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  1. -1 for Sewerlord +1 for shark I don't think sewerlord needs that much armor because he can ignore NLR and kills you relatively quickly and also if you have ever played treasure hunter for more than an hour you will know that most of the treasure is located in the sewer, you also might know that you have to stand in the same spot for about 4-5 seconds before you get the treasure, you can take out a gun while waiting but the sewer lord will likely kill you if they come from above or behind. Sharks on the other hand have a much more restricted play area and can be completely avoided with a spiderman swep or a jetpack unlike the sewer lord where as you are basically never safe in the sewers because he can go anywhere because of his high jump, I think that sewerlord should actually be nerfed and have a 2 minutes of NLR.
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