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Emperor Taint Rat Legend X


Emperor Taint Rat Legend X last won the day on September 10 2022

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    Minge Man

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  1. There are a lot of little adjustments and tweaks/UI elements that will make menial tasks much easier and much needed information accessible, etcetera. For the sake of brevity lets get right into it. - Allow the creation of shipments with ALL crafting materials (Iron, Sapphire, Diamond, Gems, Oak, Eggs, Goon Chunks etc etc..) The purpose of this change is that it would drastically reduce crafting time, in some extreme cases from 20 minutes to 20 seconds. - Display how much time is remaining when you use Premium Fuel and include similar timers for any other timed buff that does not have an obvious expiration The purpose of this change is to prevent players from consuming more fuel before they need to or destroying their jackhammers if they do not realize it has expired. - Add additional inventory/bank slots to the Suga shop This change is self explanatory and implementation is simple, over the course of the past two to three years dozens and dozens of items have been added which include unique pets that take up 1 inventory slot EACH, in order to compensate we should have the ability to purchase one additional inventory slot per unique item added since the Suga shop and additional inventory slots were first implemented. - Make it impossible for the bank to be reduced below 5,000,000 This change is self explanatory, banks do not function without money, allowing the money to go to $0 is an oversight. Please leave comments with additional suggestions.
  2. Bumping this thread because i've been logged out for two years and I just logged in to see the bank is still at $0.
  3. Just make it raidable without advert like before, easy fix.
  4. So I clicked the "enable quick sell button" and it did nothing. Then I went to drag a tier two loot box out of my inventory and it deleted all 726 of them. Send help.
  5. Shānquè fúwùqì gěi wǒ yìyù zhēng jiécháng jìng jiǎnchá
  6. If your materials would eject outside the map they will do so. Make sure if you place it on a wall/ceiling that you can access the other side. It would be nice if "eject" literally just put the stuff in your inventory but then you have stealing mats from someone being way too easy so I don't see an easy fix other than being vigilant and/or doing the math and only putting in however much materials you plan on using.
  7. I agree with all of this ESPECIALLY buffing mini printer tokens, they literally just blow up unless you can micromanage 200 children and better yet, when one blows up they all blow up. Minis could be left the same if they did not require failsafe - AN ITEM YOU CANT EVEN BUY IN THE F4 MENU ANYMORE. but yes buff procs too definitely, they're so ass. and also raise the inventory slots cap in the suga shop so I can actually use them if they're ever viable again.
  8. Agreed, its been like this for years and years now, its pretty much muscle memory at this point.
  9. Remove drink a can of coke quests. I have opened 4000+ tier twos and have still never seen a can of coke, it might be easier to enchant an artifact
  10. Remove the "receive bla bla bla from a processor" quests, these were fine when processors weren't complete dog
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