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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Bladefire

  1. This is useless since in the update tommorow there will be no adverting raid or doing anything to raid just raiding and no cool down to raiding
  2. 1. Chuckey cheese 2. Whatever the mouse thing is called and Ronald McDonald 3. Making dank memes
  3. Do you guys mean props?
  4. Make it so fading doors have to be lockpickable on both sides of the fading door. I was in a base with bzerk and you could only lockpick on the outside but not the inside therefore people with lockpicks would just get trapped so it wouldn't really be fair as you would need a keypad cracker to get out
  5. Yes implement it please sugar. In an RP aspect, you would announce that your breaking into someone's house and trying to kill them so I think it's a pretty good idea
  6. Wow is that picture of gazooks irl? Happy birthday man, or should I say, HAPPY BIRD DAY HAHAHAHAHHAHAB XDDDDDDDD IM SO FUNNY
  7. PM sugar..... Why are you asking us?
  8. That sounds like a terrible idea tbh. I've seen many trolls and do trolling a lot on other servers. Even though most trollers break the rules sometimes they don't. I've watched trolling videos where the person is just fooling around doing nothing and proceeds to get banned for being a youtuber. That's absolutely retarded that someone would get banned without even doing anything. While 90% of the time those youtubers will just mass RDM or something like that, they need to be given a chance before being banned.
  9. Tbh why would someone think your a hacker? If a normal user really tried without getting raided they could make like 1.5m easily in like 1.5 hours however taking into account raiding it might be 1m. Well anyways welcome to the server! Hope you have a good time on here.
  10. Snip is for losers, I like making people scroll through hours of text
  11. lolwut No, we don't need anymore "pet" jobs. They're pointless. They won't be pointless, the cats will have claws so they can fight the dogs and mouses lmao They will be pointless, having a pet with claws is not at all unique nor worth having. What would be the point of dog vs cat. One has claws the other has a dog bite whoop Dee doo. The thing with the baby and pedophile is they were totally different classes. One kidnaps and has a variety of weird things and the other has a crowbar to smack the pedophiles down with. Cat vs dog would just be two classes with slightly different weapons and not unique at all lolwut No, we don't need anymore "pet" jobs. They're pointless. They won't be pointless, the cats will have claws so they can fight the dogs and mouses lmao They will be pointless, having a pet with claws is not at all unique nor worth having. What would be the point of dog vs cat. One has claws the other has a dog bite whoop Dee doo. The thing with the baby and pedophile is they were totally different classes. One kidnaps and has a variety of weird things and the other has a crowbar to smack the pedophiles down with. Cat vs dog would just be two classes with slightly different weapons and not unique at all Why you gotta be a hater? Also why did you say it twice? I'm being a "hater" because your suggestion is bad and I disagree with it. And I posted it twice because the forums was being weird on mobile for some reason and I can't edit it for some reason
  12. lolwut No, we don't need anymore "pet" jobs. They're pointless. They won't be pointless, the cats will have claws so they can fight the dogs and mouses lmao They will be pointless, having a pet with claws is not at all unique nor worth having. What would be the point of dog vs cat. One has claws the other has a dog bite whoop Dee doo. The thing with the baby and pedophile is they were totally different classes. One kidnaps and has a variety of weird things and the other has a crowbar to smack the pedophiles down with. Cat vs dog would just be two classes with slightly different weapons and not unique at all lolwut No, we don't need anymore "pet" jobs. They're pointless. They won't be pointless, the cats will have claws so they can fight the dogs and mouses lmao They will be pointless, having a pet with claws is not at all unique nor worth having. What would be the point of dog vs cat. One has claws the other has a dog bite whoop Dee doo. The thing with the baby and pedophile is they were totally different classes. One kidnaps and has a variety of weird things and the other has a crowbar to smack the pedophiles down with. Cat vs dog would just be two classes with slightly different weapons and not unique at all
  13. I honestly don't get the joke, may someone explain to me so I can laugh.
  14. I personally think they make bases unraidable as they are confusing even with a blowtorch. It's like having a legal form of printers and a building sign so I think it should be removed.
  15. I will remember this day so I can actually see you Do it and quote you
  16. I think it would be cool if we could do that, promoting people. I know there aren't many of us right now, but the more manpower the better, right? Wait what, before head admins couldn't accept or promote people??? I know the head admins could not promote anyone but I know they could remove all access rights
  17. Never happened to me. Only problem I've had with inventorys was having weapons be invisible in my inventory
  18. Isn't that kinda better than the normal one? And if so sugars not gonna add it, as it would be pay to win since master thiefs a v.i.p. job
  19. I can back up Ida on this one. Everyone I talked to loved the map but didn't like the crafting and all those other things (me included). You see many people like the deathmatch part of things, but with crafting and limited props, this is simply taken away. Me and others tried to build a base with the limited props, but it just doesn't work. I vote to change map but to keep everything the same like it is now.
  20. I could see the weapon dropping thing get REALLY out of hand but everything else sounds good I could see the weapon dropping thing get REALLY out of hand but everything else sounds good
  21. That's kinda what I did raiding them but they had a building sign up so I didn't know if it was ok
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