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Umbak Klak


Umbak Klak last won the day on October 9 2018

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    Umbak Klak

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  1. October 5th Added to Misc. Rules: You may not counter Bank Heists if you are not a cop or in the Bank when the Raid begins, Insurance exists to protect your money.
  2. September 14th Changelog Added to General Rules: DO NOT attempt to loophole any rules Added to Bad Laws: Cops can randomly cuff/stungun/etc. to check for weapons/bounty/etc. Added to Misc. Rules: Killing someone to save them from being fined/arrested is FailRP
  3. August 26th Changelog Changed Mayor Rules: Added: Laws can not target an individual group, class, job, or person. Make your laws general, and make them effect the entire town. You can restrict areas of the map, but not force people to be there. [*]Removed "Hobos must stay underground" from Good laws, replaced with: The sewers are unsafe and not sanitary, for your own safety, they are off limits. [*]Added to Bad Laws: Hackers must stay on the beach or AoS
  4. July 31st Changelog Added under Misc. Rules: "During the Kill the VIP, Defend the Vault, and Golden Printer Events, there is no NLR if you are trying to attack/defend the Event (NLR applies to all other situations during these events). This does NOT mean you can continually raid the same base if the Golden Printer is inside it."
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