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yeeto last won the day on June 28 2019

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  1. The majority of the map doesn't get used. The strip club area is useless. The sewers is mainly used for basing and is way too big. I would like to see sewers to be used as a method of transportation around the map (simple "tunnels" that go from point A to point B - obviously with a lot of detail, looking like a sewer - this would make the sewer lord a lot more dangerous). There are approximately 81 guns that all have different, varying stats (not including reskins). The majority of the guns feel VERY similiar. The majority of the guns are also terrible. The less guns you have, the more unique they feel in terms of gameplay. The easier it is to balance. There shouldn't be a "This IS the best gun". It should be based on preference, that being said - the MP5 vs P90 - p90 should have a faster fire rate and more ammo. MP5 would have less ammo, higher damage and accuracy. At that point, it comes to preference. The less guns you have - the less downloads as well. There are probably 40-50 different variations of the CSS knife. They serve no purpose other than as a filler item. There is NO reason to use them. It's extra shit you have to download. As for removing the PD jobs - I do not mean gabe, fantasma, or any of those specialized "unique jobs". There is no reason to have "Swat Sniper" "Swat Medic" "Swat Leader" "CP Commander" "Swat Demo" etc. If you were to choose between a normal CP or a Swat person - who would you pick? There is no restriction on who you pick - thus, players pick the better job. Making people choose the default CP more often by choice - promotes more role play. If someone wants to play as a sniper, they buy a weapon from the gun dealer, etc. Also, having less content is usually better. Less load time, less download time for new players.
  2. I would like a new version of the map to be made - which would be a compact map. I prefer V1 to the this map, but I do like the changes to industrial, etc. I would like to see the overall changes to the map - remove the strip club area, reduce the size of sewers massively (rework slums - no major changes have been made to this). Add a new spawn area (with possible portals - not attached to the map, think like admin land) to certain parts of the map. You would not be able to re-enter spawn once you leave. Spawn would have the standard NPCS (Gang, CC maker / editor, general, VIP). This allows the current spawn area to be revamped and used. All the reworked areas of the map are currently good (That were originally part of downtown). I would like to see the divider between the two sections of the beach removed. Either revert king to make him the way he was before, or revamp the entire king area (add actual buildings and such, small town, etc). Then add an admin area that is relatively blank with cells (to bring people in for sits - think combine jail cell). Add an in game "staff meeting room". Bank manager needs to go back to the way he was or be reworked. Instead of changing to V1 - just block off parts of the map that no one uses. The majority of the guns should be removed. The more guns you have, the more you have to balance. The more guns you have, the more similiar they are. There should be.. Gun Archetypes - aka: Shotgun, Rifle, DMR, Auto Sniper, Bolt Sniper, Auto shotgun, etc. That being said, have 2-3 versions of each gun type - for bolt we can have WZ, Awp, M24 - each version has different stats but is relatively the same. That way none is "the best" it's personal choice. This also reduces downloads for the player. I would like to see the CSS knives removed. It's a useless download. I would like to see all movement sweps removed - it does remove from roleplay. Alternatively, remove them from CC's and add other ways of getting them. Limit the amount of CC items a player can buy. For example - if you create a new CC, you have the option to buy that CC a custom model, a custom weapon, etc. To buy another custom model, etc - you need to buy another CC slot. This prevents players from having a shit ton of fucking CC content that doesn't get used ( north bear) - not to mention - if you have enough CC items, you fuck up the economy by being the richest player in the server. Revamp master stalker - give him a disguise swep and make him have to stare directly at the player to damage. This truly creates a "stalking" experience. You don't know who it is. Find out. Remove the majority of the police jobs. They are mostly reskins. Remove the "PD Bank". Add a PD Weapons Locker (somewhere as an addon) - when raided, you get random weapon shipments. Police get to take weapons from the vault to use.
  3. yeeto

    Bounty Suggestion

    I kind of agree with this... Just not the picking who you want. It still should be random.
  4. Would be cool if the vapes had different effects, like a small heal, etc.
  5. There is already one in the sewers.
  6. I think that having lower amount of props + removing the one way props would make basing way better (remove C4's and such but keep things like the blow torch). People would have to be more creative and actually make sight lines to kill people - or even make a way behind the person that they don't know about to kill them.
  7. Yes - CC's have been nerfed. I'm not saying CC's are overpowered - they are inherently better and stronger. The point is that a lot of people have access to a CC now. New people see that and see it - "oh, that custom CC gun is overpowered, etc". That's just the inherit thought. It isn't overpowered - it appears overpowered. Perception is reality. The server was better when people had more freedom to do what they want. I still like it when kidnapping wasn't KOS to everyone. I think the economy, CC's, basing, and the map need to be given a hard look. If CC's never existed on the server, or existed with very severe restrictions - I think the server would be in a much better spot. I think reverting back to the old king / banker would be good. I think having a smaller (but updated) map would be better. Here's an example of why having a smaller map would be better (not the exact same situation, but relatable) - in World of Warcraft with all the expansions - if you go back to the older zones - it's dead. Everyone is playing the new content, in the new zone. It's kind of the opposite with downtown. Downtown is a classic, nostalgic map. People play in the classic areas. A lot of servers use a modify downtown map - this server isn't any different. Cut the content no one uses and polish the places people do use. I think keeping the sewers as a way to travel (much smaller sewers) to other places of downtown would be better with limited basing options.
  8. When the old map was on last year - the server seemed to be decent and around october the staff at the time was kind of poopy. The map was a lot smaller and basing was more popular then. You saw players and had more interactions because everything was closer. The king was (imo) better before the rework, even though the rework is pretty heckin cool. The bank job saw a lot more use back then too. Basing isn't as popular as it used to be anymore and the map is bigger now. The newer parts of the map (sewer, strip club area) do not see much action. I believe if the map was cut back down to what it was before (with the updated changes) it would be better. I would like to see the forest area kept in. The server is more strict then what it used to be and the player base (community) has changed. Now it's mostly filled with weeb models and people spamming "MINEEE DIAMONDS". The majority of the server seems to have access to a CC and CC's are still confused to be more powerful (they are, in a way). The gang update was good - but it just added another form of progression. I would like to see legitimate gang vs gang that would add more of a PvP / rivalry aspect to the server. Gang sizes should be capped as the majority of the people are in a few gangs with smaller gangs having friends only. Basing is extremely overpowered if you get a good spot that requires multiple C4's to take out. A new player has no chance against a big base. Alternatively, raiding is also easy because in most spots one C4 can take out the entire base. The majority (the regulars) of the people play on the server for the CC aspect - which is cool. The people who play "just for CC's" only work on making money and getting weeb models (north bear). People with vast amounts of CC content can just keep creating content and break the economy. Anyone who is new comes in and sees the high price of CC's feels like it is unobtainable and overpowered. The new people are just expecting to roleplay as a gun dealer / hitman (probably the more popular jobs on another server) see that CC's spawn with guns and can be hired as a hitman - thus, reducing roleplay. Kidnapping is cool but it is inherently toxic when you have every CC with a bludgeon knocking people out for "the lulz". There are a lot of reasons players could be lost. The only thing you can do is look at what the server was before - and what it is now and try to figure out why it worked then and why it doesn't work now.
  9. I agree with the civilian phone as well - but that's if the PD will do anything.
  10. I would like to add to this - it would be cool to see more of the harder to get items obtainable.. Maybe a NPC that only shows up on the map for one hour (in random locations people don't go to) and sells random rare items that are fairly expensive. The time the NPC spawns is random.
  11. The hidden lockpick shouldn't be an issue. A player should not be forced to sit out of playing the server for a few minutes "just because" you wanted to. Being kidnapped is extremely obnoxious. I'm sure there could be a weapon checker for the kidnapper or something - so they can strip the lockpick on the person if they actually check. The player has to craft the hidden lockpick every life, every time they join the server - it doesn't store in the inventory. I am sure the crafting cost could be higher - or maybe make a material that you can only get by fishing so it isn't as prevalent. And you can still use adren while kidnapping for the speed boost. I would like to see an attempted kidnap only be kos to the parties involved (kidnapper and victim).
  12. I'd like to see SOME change to kidnapping. I'd rather see it removed from CC's entirely, but now that we have custom bludgeons - that won't happen. The idea of removing the bludgeon if you have a movement swep seems like a pretty good change. I think there should be some implementation of a way to break out. I think it should be something that you can craft - that way everyone has access to it. For example Hidden Lockpick - Only received when you are knocked out. Unlocks doors / fading doors 25% faster when you have been kidnapped. Crafting cost could be like 2 wood and 5 ore. It is automatically used upon crafting and is lost upon death - that way you can't stockpile them in your inventory. It wouldn't be fair to kidnappers when everyone has a stack of 100 and they just get out. Also you run into the issue where - yes, you escaped - but you don't have any items. There should be an NPC by the beach and PD that will unkidnap you once you escaped. This also prevents people randomly kidnapping people in the streets and having to get killed to get their stuff back.
  13. yeeto

    Pig Job

    Well... Let's have a Bill Cosby job that when picked you automatically own half of the custom content and then you get to add more CC content for free, screw up the economy, load times, etc. Here's a good model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1381386520
  14. yeeto

    Winterize the map

    It's relatively easy to change the textures of a map. It's just finding decent looking textures that actually fit.
  15. Would be cool to see the map get winterized until after Christmas or until spring.
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