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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Tass

  1. If you can find a ragdoll of him you could just rig it up to another model's skeleton there are a ton of youtube tutorials just search them up. If there are no ragdolls you might have to find someone to like 3d model one for you and then get textures (which can be pretty expensive plus might be hard to find you gotta do some digging yourself). You would then have to import the model to the server depending on the size of the model (30$ paypal per 7mb, contact rubik to import a model thats on the workshop).


    edit: To clarify the prices for custom models/sweps to be added, IF the swep/model was added to the workshop before January 2020 it is 30$ per 2mb. IF it was added after January 2020 it is 30$ per 7mb. This is due to steam changing how the file size on the workshop is or some shit.

  2. I wouldn't mind the upgrades but they don't need a huge buff as bitcoin miners are basically the only legal money making entity (unless the mayor makes them illegal for whatever reason). Illegal entities should always make more than legal entities but again since they are illegal there is a drawback that you can be raided by cops or blah blah blah.

  3. You will probably have to pm rubik proof of purchase like a paypal receipt. But I think someone has already re-added that model back into the server so it would actually be their model now and you have have to get perms to it to use it again.

  4. Just now, ShardMario said:

    How does it make no sense in RP? It's ROLEPLAY, you can do WHAT YOU WANT... that is kind of the whole point of RP. When you dedicate your entire playstyle to power tripping playing as a cop arresting people, of course you would say any minor thing other than standing there being arrested / cuffed as a disadvantage. There are jobs literally dedicated to being fucking useless or annoying on the server for this purpose. It's meant to be funny. Dat Boi, Doge, Benny, Trumpet Player, it's all the same. The server is meant to be FUN.

    We have to remove dat boi actually cause there is no such thing as "Dat Boi" in real life and frankly I dont want it on my ROLE PLAY SERVER

  5. 8 hours ago, Blue. said:


    I think some form of silent commands would be nice. An "Event Stick" of sorts. Would there be ANY way to make it to where when someone leaves sit land that all effects are reset? That sounds like a lot of work but it might not be?

    In the end, at least my personal experiences, staff mess around with eachother in sitland when there are no sits, either that or they just mess with eachother in the mainland.

    For all the discussion about possible abuse and bad imagery on the server, there could also be guidelines we enforce on staff.

    All in all, I think it'd be nice to be able to slap my friend across sitland a hundred times every once in a while without having to be concerned with reports or being yelled at by upper staff.
    Do i require to? Nah. Is it something I feel I deserve? Absolutely not. Would it be fun and harmless if done properly and was a silent command? I think so.

    Give Smods some of the goofy fadmin commands

    Why would you need to make an "event stick" of some sorts and code it so effects reset when you leave sit land just so staff can mess around with their powers? Just fling your friend around with a physgun if you wanna mess with them. There is no reason to really allow this.

  6. Just now, Blue. said:

    My situation is to let staff use more of the fun commands, specifically senior staff since moderators do not have access to things like hp or armor, or fadmin commands

    If you wanna use those for funny events go ahead letting people use those could possibly end up for people being stupid and accidentally returning with 99999 hp if they forget... unless there is an event a staff member makes those commands shouldn't be used

  7. As Herb said as staff you signed up to help the community take sits. If taking sits became tedious then take a break from taking sits and go rp like a normal player for a bit. Go mess around with your friends and rdm eachother like normal players.


    I'm pretty sure no one gives a shit if staff physgun eachother in sit land but using commands like jail and shit on other staff should not even be allowed in sit land. If you have staff physgunning eachother during sits tell them to stop it and wait till the sit is over to goof off as it gives a very bad image to other players.


    If your suggestion is literally just fly around sit land and physgun eachother sure whatever but allowing commands like jail and jailtp being used between staff friends def no no

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  8. 24 minutes ago, HIDDEN said:

    i'm actually -1 to this suggestion, enchantments used to be pretty busted and I think having a few niece guns can balance the powerful ones but still be somewhat useful, for example the deals bonus damage against weird jobs is really good against annoying people using the /size because they're most likely 'weird' jobs. I agree that maybe they should be a bitt more useful however I REAAALLLY don't wanna go back to the days of getting constantly rekt because i raided a base full of people who had really op enchanted guns or I get absolutely rekt by fighting against a really powerful enchantemnt when i'm trying to defend my base with a epic or a rare

    Thats already how it is now, people just base with 5 people 4 of them outside the base all with leges with above 1k rpm. There are actually very few good enchants and the most op one I can think of was having a 1k rp gun that did 70% damage increase while standing still that already got nerfed to 20%. The actual enchants are not good the part thats broken is having at least 1k rpm and good damage you will basically dome everyone.

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