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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Sticks

  1. auto demote demoted to user not vip just y’all to sugar
  2. i thought they were the same person
  3. Serious suggestions only please!! Maybe a terrorist is given a grenade, not a made up cannon!!!! shut up nerd
  4. dumb asses not realizing it’s an april fools joke
  5. interesting, it may have been kman taking your money. sugar will hopefully refund you since you have proof of losing it
  6. yeah same but i’m just user Gent, Fantasma, and Dindu have all been on within 7 days. Just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there I do recall saying "I maybe wrong" pal you said you may be wrong in regards to Blac’s activity not other admins’
  7. yeah same but i’m just user Gent, Fantasma, and Dindu have all been on within 7 days. Just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there
  8. oh no god forbid you actually have to work instead of just pressing e every 5 minutes
  9. there’s 4 active admins (+dindu as he’s going to be active soon) for 65 mods. That’s a good ratio as admins are nothing more than baby sitters
  10. What would that "heck of a lot more than you" be? Taking more sits than me? Not hard, I was staff for 6 months and was inactive for most of that. And besides, I do still play the server, so that points irrelevant as well.
  11. And what have you done for the staff team? None of us do/did anything for it other than take sits and ban idiots Also, https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=8416&pid=57345#pid57345 Hmmm
  12. sits=\=good Griffin only has a lot of sits because all he does is sit in admin land spamming “claim ticket”
  13. Hours Played : a few Vote : (For new admins / Against new admins) Against Reasoning: Why? What good will it do? (These are examples, Just give your thoughts and why you voted X or Y) Admins are simply not needed. The majority of these points involve “oh yeah i think that admins r gud n i’m going 2 subtly plug myself 4 admin xd” but in reality, admins can do 3 things that mods can’t. They can promote, demote, and perma ban. The first two are irrelevant because mod apps are too easy to get through because frankly the application is too easy (look at my post in mods/admins regarding new template) It’s also irrelevant because the 2-4 admins that are active are fully capable of promoting one or two people a week and demoting ~1 each month. Perma banning is even easier. Look in ban logs, take 5 minutes to copy a steam id and press the button. There’s maybe two or three perma bans needed a day, and they’re never needed immediately because they will always have a 7 day buffer to do it.
  14. abuse and get my respected taken
  15. How much does it sell for and will it kill me if i consume it hopefully
  16. yes i am new player please give me free cc thank u long time
  17. Sticks


    Awhh, thanks for putting me on the list!! Booper stinks btw both you too dw. i missed a ton. too many to remember
  18. Sticks


    i am resigning thanks go out to Booper, Wavy, Doc, Backwards, Walter, Piklas, Kayla Rigbe, Noah, Griffin, Snooper, Ty Tass, LSD, Dindu, and Gent. You guys have made this a fun experience. not leaving the community just staff
  19. Tab, Warn, and ULX menu all can be sorted alphabetically. For the tab you hold tab and go to the top and click the arrow next to name. For warms and ULX you click the white bar with text in it at the top of the list. CC editor needs this change tho.
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