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North Bear


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by North Bear

  1. How is it that I came first to your mind and as a foreign kiddo XD
  2. GANGS: -Gang tax evasion perk way too OP, if you get this perk it means you have been grinding a lot which means you probably have a decent amount of cash. No taxing means you get one setback less, make it something like 50% less taxing or something like that. -Make a perk that allows gangmembers to walk 2% faster or so. -Make a perk which allows easier upgrading for processors/printers --Spawn a printer with a failsafe attached --Spawn a processor with the sound upgrade attached --Upgrading processor costs 5% less --Upgrading printer costs 5% less -Make a perk for unboxing, such as 10% more chance to get better winnings. -Make a /random command for stupid/weird jobs. /random will transform one body part into a tiny or big part, makes up for some funny pictures such as a big head or tiny arms :) MISC: -Make item buying, such as blood packs or ammo, a fraction quicker. It feels somewhat slow, it might be to avoid mingers or such but yeah. -Add the thirdperson toggle to the !help menu. -Make material grenades more expensive, (4,4,4 instead of 2,2,4) they seem verry easy to make but a pain to stand up against.
  3. Playing through midi with the reception of a server such as titsrp would give you a delay of atleast 0.5 seconds. It messes you up pretty bad, its the same as having a speech jammer. @ gnome, look at the damn picture will you. LOL.
  4. I don't know, today I was basing with Shammy and Wrath. Shammy shot wrath and it kidnapped him and then later on she shot me (after cd) and it did nothing. The shipment with barrels/metal/wood are shot when they come out of the processor, this makes them unusable for me atleast, wrath showed me the one by one method but that seems irritating to use.
  5. Trans m9 Not working Description: Using the tranc m9 does not kidnap people anymore even though the boink hit sound sound is clearly hearable. How to reproduce: Try shooting someone with it in the head Priority: Low imo Chem barrels/ wood/ metal from processors Description: Getting these items from the processors makes them an unusable entity How to reproduce: producing these items from a processor will result in them being unusable, weirdly stackable and having a name. Priority: Medium
  6. Meanwhile I get fucking kicked if I afk for a minute. edit: and really dude, afk grinding. big oof.
  7. Add a rule to avoid these types of structures. https://imgur.com/a/pV4A8 These are unfair structures.
  8. You'd have to spam the advertisement a lot otherwise people would still ooc the question how to get out. !3p and !thirdperson are verry well known.
  9. -Make a !thirdperson, !3p, /thirdperson, /3p command. People should just stop fucking asking over and over, it's driving me insane while this is so easy to solve. Go to server root -> lua/autorun/server and make a new file example.lua and put this code in there. function PlayerCommandsCustom( pl, text, teamonly ) if (string.lower( text ) == "!3p") then ply:THIRDPERSONFUNCTION() end end end hook.Add( "PlayerSay", "Chat", PlayerCommandsCustom ) -Make a !donate, /donate command Go to server root -> lua/autorun/server and make a new file example.lua and put this code in there within the playercustomcommand example function. if (text == "!donate") then pl:SendLua([[gui.OpenURL("prometheus shop url")]]) -- Change ADDRESS to your chosen page. for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:ChatPrint( "Player " .. pl:Nick() .. " has viewed the donate page via !donate" ) end end end This would help many mods and people that had to help people to get out of third person over and over and over..o/
  10. Open your console after you got kicked, shows enough information and is easilly screenshotable. Also having a record program open at some times is a good thing to do.
  11. Hiya, some suggestions to get the economy going for the lower, middle and high end players. - Make suga dolla's dropable -- Provides a team building experience and will make players grind more together instead of the lone wolf experience. -- Easier to get some cc weaponry for those low to middle class players. - Make 1 milion 1-2 credit(s) instead of 1 milion for 10 credits in the shop -- 10 dollars for 1 milion ingame? Why tho. -- VIP is 5 credits == 5 mil ingame cash so basically 1 mil is 1 credit. - Make 10 mil 9 credits in the shop -- A little marketing put to work so that players will buy more goods. - A gang warcry -- Let people buy a warcry sound/swep for their gang CC -- This swep will let out a warcry to let others know that they are coming - Hoverboarder and Skateboarder stupid class or gang unlock -- Might be to requiring for the fastDL because it needs quite a lot of addon files but, it might be worth a shot -- Hoverboards: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=150455514&searchtext=hoverboard -- Skateboard addon: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=549224132&searchtext=hoverboard - Adittion of my CSGO case unboxing 3D Entity. -- Buyable through f4 menu with easilly editable costs, items. -- Multipple cases so multipple sorts of items to have in it. -- A way for low, mid and high end to spend cash. -- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=568355972 -- Some cases are broken right now thats why the addon is on friends only but, I am willing to fix them if you are willing to use them in your server.
  12. Welcome to the Bears Who we are: Owner: North Bear Officers: Shammy Bear, Speedy Rebel, uwu, Spidy, Amixon Level status: 70 Alies: CX(Currently dead or some shit), N!NJ4(ask RaceOpone), Gucci CC's that are being rented out: Lil Peep (20 slot cc): 800k per week. Lil Jeep (5 slot cc): 200k per week. What we do: Protect: We protect our alies and our members. Serve: We are nice people and serve those that need our help. Raid: Not so much, we gather up once in a while. Grind: Yes sir. What we like: Making friends Hanging around Build Being pet Being a pet Help out the newer players What we don't like: Scammers, we will not be forgiving. Raiding your own gangmembers seriously. Stealing from your own gangmembers seriously. Constantly raiding, harassing players basically. We work with verbal warns and will only give a couple before we're done with telling you to stop. You will be kicked if everyone gets sick of you. Once you leave the gang it's hard to come back in. I want to join: Ask North Bear or one of the officers, they will make a vote in the bears discord. If you have a decent voting you will be let into the gang.
  13. I can remove the soundcloud link if you want, it was only to show what I do :P Python is a syntax I am not familiar with, depends how big your assignment is because I could give you a hand with figuring out logical statements and cleaning up your code.
  14. -to have a nice introduction instead since I am no longer in rage of that one ban. I am Leroy, Leroy Jenkins, Bear, North Bear, Moody Good, Leroy5500, Leroy5100 and all that good stuff. Where do I come from you ask, from the North Pole? Naw. The Netherlands is where this stonerboy has been pushed out of the womb and has lived his life up to this 22 year old pedostachey self. Anyhow, about me; - Leroy - 22 year old male from The Netherlands - Web developer, I make webshops, websites, apps and I love coding in HTML5, CSS3, SASS (SCSS), JQuery, Javascript, PHP, OOP, Lua and many more. - I have owned a darkrp server and created my own addons such as a 3D CSGO unboxing addon to shit on scriptfodder. - Have been a T-mod, mod, T-admin, admin, head admin, co-owner and owner. - I make youtube videos about all sorts of shit and I love editing and no not vlogs or mainstream bs. - I am often compared to sivHD because I apparently look like him or something. - I make music with my guitar, keyboard and FL studio. -> https://soundcloud.com/ducksat/mapei-dont-wait-dnb-remix Anyway I hope to see you guys around and hit me up if you have questions ingame. ps. Sugar-> You have a nice server and it is great to see a person with such inspiration and a server with such inovation going on. Whoever is behind this next to sugar props to y'all. This is legit the reason I had returned to the server after my ban.
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