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Mr. Ray


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Mr. Ray

  1. Accepted, The only way we ask for you to contribute is to help get XP for the gang. This helps get perks and such for everyone else in the gang! Message me when you are on so that i can add you You will be added to Hydras nvm sorry i cant join...
  2. 1. What is your ingame username? Dr Ray 2. How many hours do you have? 168.7 3. Why would you like to join? want to acactually have some gang to play with 4. Why should we accept you? because i will try to help in any 5. Were you in another gang before? If so, which one(s)? The Dark Carnival 6. What can you contribute to the KKK? I can provide good healing also help in raids 7. Do you understand that acting stupid and causing problems on the server will get you dismissed from the Gang? yes i understand 8. Would you like to be a Hydra or a Furie? Hydra 9. I will try my best to contribute all i can to the gang
  3. Mr. Ray

    Time off

    Well i hope you will have fun I hope you and her or him will have a good romantic time.
  4. I did it for the DC I did it for the DC TBH i thought you were greyguard because of your name in game there fore i blew up your base because the greyguard and the DC are at war. I checked the Greyguard on the forums and your not on there so I sincerely apologize First off apologizing after the fact never works and justifing bad behaivour with gang stuff doesn't work either. I am a part of Greyguard but im not the most active member and did not know that we were at war until you guys started basing at my place. A gang war, not liking the person, general troll does not justify bad behaviour Like i said I Sincerely Apologized for doing that shit i offered you a processor and 50k still i did not mean to blow up your shit i was shooting you when you died a bullet hit the processor causing it to blow i blew up your printers because i already accidentally blew up your processor so i thought i'll finish the job plus check out the DC clearly states we are at war with The GreyGuard and first off never let someone who did not earn your complete trust into your base oh and also i have to say you were pretty chill now i feel like a dick like i was and i would really regret doing that ever again so now after i blew up your base i Sincerely apologize for being the greatest dick/douche/asshole/shithead and i feel really bad now well at least hope you make your 200 c4 dream come true welp see you later
  5. I did it for the DC I did it for the DC TBH i thought you were greyguard because of your name in game there fore i blew up your base because the greyguard and the DC are at war. I checked the Greyguard on the forums and your not on there so I sincerely apologize
  6. Why hecko there my fine friend im sorry but i never met you but i am looking forward to or future interaction.
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