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Coconut Overflow


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Coconut Overflow

  1. I agree. I've never seen player amounts to that extreme (at over a year span) basing at one spot or heck, even basing in general, but I do get your point. I guess my main attitude is, instead of nerfing it, maybe just make the other side strong enough that it could take on that level of play with enough skill knowledge. There was one time where Silver wanted a group I was basing with at the time and I to raid a base. We all failed horribly, maybe getting 1 kill on outsiders but, Silver swept the entire base. It was one of the most badass things I've ever seen. The kill feed just popping up with kills, and soon enough, he won the raid basically by himself. Imagine the potential for things like that to happen were increased through various changes like changing bases to only be defendable if you are on doors and boosting the power of raiding. I don't think either of our answers are necessarily wrong either.
  2. Well this would be cool content for regular players, unless they are cheap, new players most likely won't be obtaining these. What if we like, started putting raid equipment on non-cc raiding classes, like a blowtorch?
  3. 11/16/2023 Basing Removed Must be behind dupe in order to defend waterfall base Removed this rule, because waterfall base is a public base, this rule doesn't make sense, because public bases are not raidable.
  4. I agree with a lot here. Boosting the new players ability to raid would benefit them a lot. One thing I feel highlights the issue, is your statement here: "(they still lose but again thats a skill issue)". You have been playing for years and years. It would take the average player quite some time to grasp raiding mechanics to a level that you have. There needs to be some motivation or want for these players to spend that time learning and grasping these mechanics. I don't believe nerfing basing numbers is the play now that I think about it, rather making raiding stronger so that players could raid a base with lots of people inside, if done well enough. The potential for a raider or two to be able to clean up a base of 6 would be epic. Buffing up raiding tools, making raiding/basing more interesting and attracting to new players to want to learn the skills, is how I feel on the current meta.
  5. 11/11/23 Modified: Player Toxicity Drama Causing or contributing to drama will be issued a verbal warning to take it out of the server. If continued, the players involved in contributing will be banned for a up to a month depending on the severity of the situation Removed: Drama Moved Drama to toxicity guideline. Like the previous change, staff members should be punishing for player toxicity, then adding a note specifying Drama (additionally any context if needed)
  6. When I based commonly before becoming staff last year, social and basing were mixed often, because you had lots of players wanting to hang out in a base for 5 hours and just talk, while like 2 or 3 were making money. Most bases would thrive because raiding was somewhat uncommon. The idea of "what's the point of raiding when there is 8 people in the base to shoot you with" resulted in sillier raiding methods coming back to light (trains becoming more relevant, owning doors and kicking people out, insiding/stealing, etc.). I believe people realized that they could make money themselves while still hitting the social aspects, in a less skill demanding way, is what started the decline of basing/raiding. More and more ways of making money are introduced (XP grinding, buying/selling items, battlepasses) that provide alternate ways to make money, albeit slower, but are social friendly, and no offense to basers/raiders, more enjoyable, in my personal opinion. If I can offer a fix, it's this. High knowledge raiders, chill out and let the less experience players base for a while. Let them get a taste for basing and they will pop up everywhere. Nobody will raid, because everyone will be focused on basing with raiding not being a threat. Eventually, these less experience players are going to figure out basing and will want to raid because they are comfortable. They start to raid. They learn how to raid, by practice. Now there would be more players for high knowledge raiders/basers to teach and go against, because more people have a want to do it. Basically, reset the meta for a little while, so they can have the opportunity to learn.
  7. 11/1/23 Modified: Player Toxicity Pedophile accusations/comments (First offense) warn - 1 week ban depending on situation (second offense) 2 week ban no chance of appeal (third offense/Pedophile comments) 6 months to perma ban depending on situation -Side note use best judgement to determine the appropriate punishment. Sometimes players might be immature and just start calling everyone a pedo. This isn't worth of a perma ban. Ex: (Player X says that another player is a pedo because he has a bit-minor: warn for player toxicity with addnote) Ex:(Player X makes a vulgar joke/statement regarding pedophilia on first offense: 1 week ban with addnote) Ex:(Player X actively engages in pedophilic behavior: perma ban with !addnote) Removed: Pedophile accusations/comments Easy change here, just moving the Pedophile accusation/comments section under player toxicity, so that the guideline player toxicity would encompass pedophile accusation/comments, as it should. A proper !addnote should always be added to player toxicity bans that have pedophile/accusations and comments, displaying how many offenses the player is at currently (First offense, second offense, third offense) as usual.
  8. REMOVED: Q: Assuming everyone is available, if you have a question about the rules or punishments, which rank would you go to for help? A: Moderator ADDED: Q: How would you go about receiving help if you have a question about the rules/punishments? A: Look for these answers: @ chat, tmod-help, and lastly if no one is responding attempt to go to dm's with an smod+. You can also inform them they can ping any rank in tmod-help if nobody is responding.
  9. Mayor Rules +Added You may NOT make jaywalking laws, or any laws that require players to move/not move in a certain way. Examples of GOOD Laws +Removed Jaywalking will result in a $500 fine, cross at street corners/the crosswalks we have placed Examples of BAD laws +Changed Jaywalking is AOS (no crosswalks or examples given for legal street crossing) > Jaywalking will result in a $500 fine, cross at street corners/the crosswalks we have placed +Changed Sprinting is a 5k fine/AOS > Sprinting/Jumping/Flying/Crouching is AOS/5k fine Hey everyone! Coconut Overflow here with an update on cops. After a suggestion vote on the discord with overwhelming support, jaywalking has been removed entirely as a law that can be made. The mayor is not allowed to place any law that restricts movement as well, such as jumping, flying (free my bird homies), crouching, sprinting, etc.
  10. Updates to the MOTD are as follows: ADDED: Your adverts must not be misleading and are required to be at the end of the message with (). Ex: Cops are stinky! (PD RAID) We re-added the rule about misleading adverts and made it more descriptive. Gives a proper example of what we are looking for in an advert.
  11. F A M I L Y . (also happy fourth of July everybody, be safe, don't explode)
  12. very based post, but please moderators take a shower
  13. During the month of June, it's a great time to remind ourselves that we are all unique in the ways we think, we act, and behave. Just because someone may have different preferences, appearance, or lifestyle, doesn't mean that it is incorrect or wrong. We should be rather supporting these differences, because those differences are what makes us, us. I also want to say I appreciate the LGBTQ+ community as a whole for their strides and efforts, and you for making this post, Hex. Happy Pride Month errybody!
  14. Ello! You forgot about two of my favorites! -What's the point? -What's the use?
  15. Welcome back Dan! Good to have you back. If you need any help with anything, absolutely feel free to hit me up!
  16. To further Hobo Dad's point, if a player has logged into another player's account in the past, most likely their account will show up as an alt in this system and tell them not to play. Plus, Geforce Now is a program that allows you to remotely play games through their cloud service. It has been reported that using this program lumps anyone who uses Geforce Now into the same account. Just don't alt! It's that easy.
  17. I would be totally down with your third suggestion. Crafting multiple sprinklers per would attract people into using them. The cost of crafting one is too expensive for how little it waters. +1 for increasing the amount of sprinklers crafted. What would be totally cool would be that you could flip a water barrel upside down, and it would water your sprinkler, filling it back up with uses. Like 10 uses per splash. Might be difficult to add into the server correctly however.
  18. I agree with what others have stated, the jetpack would be too powerful of an item to be a perma item for everyone to access. Kiss swep on the other hand I could see being a prestige token item, because the use is more fun (besides lightning quests/quest progress/xp). +1 for kiss swep on prestige shop -1 for jetpack on prestige shop
  19. Good educational post. I was not aware of Autism Speaks being so anti-autism. I have two brothers both diagnosed with autism, and they went through the same thing you describe. The masking of the autism and trying to normalize them instead of focusing on their strengths, was rough on them. Appreciate the info!
  20. The reason that models are set to those health thresholds are because it's a way to deter people from buying smaller models. They have these disadvantages because of their smaller size. It would be hard for a grim reaper to figure out who not to swing and swing at if this was in place. If smaller cc models couldn't be hit by grim reaper, they would attempt to, and be able to be shot down because they swung. People could bait michael myers/grim reaper to hit them with their low hp, and then spray them down and there would be nothing the michael myers/grim reaper could do about it. The only thing I would see working would be if the small model wasn't at it's max health, then it could be killed by michael myers/grim reaper maybe?
  21. Welcome back! It's good to see ya! If ya need any help in game definitely feel free to hit me up
  22. +1 Please make procs good again, they are only good for upgrade xp
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