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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Wavy

  1. I think there needs to be an alternative to gain money as fast as processor spamming yet have high risks, such as an area that lets you kos anyone but there is a point you can capture and if you capture it it pays you a certain amount of money, the money would of course be your choice to make the server as balanced as possible but some people don't have hours and hours to spend each day spamming processors and other types of long time farming items.


    There are a lot of ways to make fast money


    Not really best money maker is the processor and printers and everything else is small cash and how would you know pops you don't base.

  2. I don't know why he did it but you should be proud of it, not many people get -reped x2 by sugar


    I don't think anyone has to be honest. Me and Wavy are special. Kinda..


    Besides Race..


    eat my ass


    I eat that ass sideways


    If you don't make this happen you gotta meet me in the bullpen with no equipment.

    You know how we have the general buyer to sell trash and some stuff from professor's ok what about that legendary you scared to use cause you think u might die with it and want to sell it to some user that's savage and will my idea is to make other NPC called General Seller. And he lets you have you're own marlet of weapons or anything to sell for you're own price like the app offerup, let's you add your own products and sell for any price bringing this to the game gives jobs better value like modifier cause you can get a legendary and sell it to someome without having to advert.

  4. Yeah the shelves suck. We need a better, and nicer looking way to sell things. So here's my solution. Everyone who has a smartphone download the app letgo. You can list your items for free, and people around the world can see it and buy it ;)

    No but in all seriousness we do need a better way to sell things


    Bro you sparked the stone cause that's a great idea.

  5. Next time you want to use screenshots of people try not using people names you blur them out cause thats petty asf and what if ceejay see this and it will be a shit storm on this post just because u used hes name and booper is doing big things the paper sucks my dude still love u tho

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