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Golden Pup


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Golden Pup

  1. Why is the taking a sit about someone asking you to no clip to get an item for them okay?
  2. Because there is an ignore option for a reason? and they take these easy ones before RDM ones? Even Sugar in my training told me to ignore sits that are retarded.
  3. During my time as a Trial Moderator so far, I've seen MANY MANY MANY sits that are just well retarded. "someone stole my radio" "come look at my castle" "my stuff went through the floor can you noclip and get it?". These come in frequently and for some reason they get taken 75% of the time. We have an ignore option and don't use it? I don't understand why they're getting taken for any reason other than just getting your sit count up.
  4. Just gonna leave this here at the one day mark http://prntscr.com/fe1mvx
  5. maze crouch bases are easy to get through with a blowtorch, if they're truly a maze length, then they aren't thick due to prop limit, just find the weakness
  6. Or we could only change what the poll is about for the time being :)
  7. ironically enough creamy meme dude made his account yesterday and not today, so i guess blacnova will be accepting that vote xD
  8. For most one way bases, if you get 1 C4 off, and then spam with pipebombs it will damage the guards, forcing them to go back and heal, that would give you enough time to get a second C4 down, then repeat until in.
  9. That means you're the type of guy who raids a really good base.. Its a really good base for a reason Making a "Really good base" is insanely easy all you need is some fences and world glow. anyone with half a brain can make a base in 10 mins that is basically unraidable by using world glow fences. basing should be balanced. right now someone can destroy a team of 5 raiders with a base that took 10 mins to make by using world glow and having a props so only their head is showing. basing/raiding is not even close to being balanced. If you think that's all it takes to make really good bases, you don't make really good bases lol
  10. The good builders will still build bases that can be defended by one person regardless of the outcome, which will make this whole poll meaningless anyways
  11. Okay say we can only make props one way if they aren't able to be shot through. This will lead to bases that have a whole wall see through with props you can't shoot through and then a tiny area you can't see through for shooting. Legit will be the same just slightly changed.
  12. Banning one ways will just lead to big groups raiding solo people, the people that are unraidable with one way props will continue to be unraidable. Atleast with one ways a solo player can actually keep a base. Also as Moist said, any base can be raided, it just takes more resources which is why no one wants to raid. If we make it where printers stay after someone logs off then people will be more inclined to actually raid and use the resources to successfully raid since they will have the printers for as long as the server doesn't restart, crash, get stolen, or get blown up.
  13. We already know what option will win when the LeBlancs will just all mass sheep vote >.>
  14. I can get more games for $15 on G2A than I can get for $20 on steam
  15. The basing change will just lead to either a bunch of people leaving or alot of people getting in trouble, everyone would continue to base the way they ALWAYS have and get in trouble for it, which is just an annoyance for everyone
  16. im expecting it to be $20 worth on steam, but like $2 on G2A
  17. What are you considering $20 lmao, because I'm guessing it's not actually $20 worth
  18. Leblanc Family Application Why do I want to join?: Well you see, I',m friendless and want to join a fake family to feel like I have friends :) The End
  19. It really isn't anything bad? It's sugars way of rewarding the people that sit through crashes and restarts
  20. Would it be possible to make printers stay after someone logs off? Currently I find raiding to be kinda pointless unless you purely want to piss someone off. If printers stayed after someone logged off it would make raiding and stealing the actual printers actually a thing worth doing.
  21. I understand that some are in school still, but to say that EVERY staff is unavailable at noon is as Sugar put it "bonkers"
  22. Adding onto this, I haven't seen staff on during noon the past 2 days either, IDK why
  23. I've made 2 reports in the past 2 mornings for people prop blocking spawn and attempting to crash server/succeeding, it makes it unplayable when people do these two specific things especially, and without staff its hard to fix it.
  24. The lack of staff around 4 am EST and 10 am EST is getting pretty bad, considering it's all Mass RDM or Prop Spam to crash the server in this interval everyday.
  25. he changed it to chess from cheese, i say we ban him on the forums ;D
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