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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Mori

  1. 1 hour ago, Fuel said:

    we should make it so both mat nades and mat bombs do not destroy fences,

    Honestly I can see why you would want to make mat nades not destroy fences but why the fuck mat bombs. I know you are like well ima add lets bring back punting c4 because then people will like it but like in all honestly I can see mat grenades not being able to remove fences anymore because lets be honest it was a change that was randomly added that no one even expected it was cool but like we were not rioting over it. Mat bombs should still destroy fences if this change would to go through. Mat bombs are less common than mat nades and are also more expensive. 


    1 hour ago, Fuel said:

    1. Newer players are able to counteract a raid on their base (Can shoot out the C4 etc)

    Give me a time where Newer players are able to counter raids. I tell this to any new player that comes to base. Man your best bet is to hide in stupid basing locations because this server has a huge learning curve and they do that are they gain money and then learn how to play titsrp. "Can shoot out the c4" that is just fucking retarded any raider with an IQ over 6 will not let you do that if you bring punting c4 back. ffs people can't even do that if you do timebombs correctly. Any good raider should be able to blast through any base with ease without dying. The base is for you to either get a lucky pick from a raider over peaking and or making a mistake while raiding or it is to by time for your party members to come from behind and defend. In all honestly in a 1v1 raid situation it comes down to a 1v1 in the base. Gun play importance is very high on this server and if you got a decent aim with a right rifle you can kill people easily raiding you. It is just that new players don't know the what we can do. Master swords/Adren shit like that. 




    tldr; no reason to fuck mat bombs but mat grenades maybe and the argument of it will help new players isnt really valid imo we have a wiki and this is a server with a large learning curve and the change you propose will do nothing to help new players.

    • Like 3
  2. 11 minutes ago, HIDDEN said:

    Sugar already admitted that tokens were a mistake and has been taking steps to slowly phase them out (i.e tokens degrading, less money from printers you don't own, etc)


    I am +1 to this suggestion to give in and entirely remove them, I would say that chem, tree and metal tokens aren't as bad as all the other ones but ultimately I think they all can be abused, especially based with like 50+ processors which generate a ton of money which can be used to buy even more processors and then UH OH you have people with literal BILLION darkrp dollars

    ah yes since sugar said it was a mistake and nerfed them already lets just remove them entirely. ah yes let me just ignore that sugar himself angry repped Fuel's original post for the suggestion. big brain man here folks

  3. These were my concerns about this update. When using tokens not only are you stuck with a degrading proc but now that proc despawns in 4 hours not only do you have to deal with the extra battery due to it degrading. Also with printers you get less money AND it despawns. Walter's idea of 8 hours is cool but like I would also like to see the degrading thing be changed to be less hurtful towards to user, because the fucking thing is despawning in 4 and or 8 hours depending on how this post goes anyway, but right now there needs to be something done. Raiding gives way less reward as 1. People don't fucking base at all. 2. The people that do base have less shit because of the update and if you raid them with ents that are about to despawn whats the fucking point. I would even fucking considering a craftable item to increase the time. Maybe making tokens last more but people's ents doesn't. There are a lot of ways sugar can go at with buffing this.

  4. Honestly I don't get why people shit on the SBC idea. When SBCs got removed from terrorist at that time you could invholster them allowing you to get infinite ammo with SBCs the difference now is it will now just be a small burst of insane kills for the terrorist and I think that is completely fine. All the homies love SBCs

    • Like 1
    • uhoh 1
  5. In-Game Name


    Your Steam ID


    Why were you banned or warned?


    Why should you be unwarned/unbanned?

    I was banned for pick up boxing Kevin's printer. I feel like I was rping and the ban reason "NITRP" is completely false.

    Who warned/banned you?


    How long were you warned or banned for?

    1 hour

  6. The plan is simple. Comment if you are down to give another random person who comments a gift.


    The gift must be worth 1m+

    If you don't give your gift you are a bitch and honestly should quit the server(I will also hate you)

    I will also be participating unless there is an even amount of people. So if there is 9 people I will join in to make it 10, but if it is 10 I will not join in to make it 11.


    You will be given a name so have your forums messages open and check them at least once a day. 

    You will need to send me two messages. One confirming that you know who you are giving your gift to and one confirmed that you have given them the gift.


    I'm giving yall until the 21st at like 7pm my time to sign up because I'm dumb and didn't think about doing this, and you will be handing out gifts on christmas or after if yall are busy just sometime on the 25th or shortly after.


    Happy Holidays fellow titsrp people.


    Also please comment something like "HEY IM GOING TO DO THIS YEAH" so I know you are 😄

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