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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Makoto

  1. Here's a couple suggestions. 1. Make it so that there can't be a Mayor's Assasin while there is no Mayor. Like if they try to become one when there is no Mayor, it prevents them with the message: "There is no Mayor!". I've seen people become the Mayor's Assasin before an election then kill and demote the Mayor during what's supposed to be a "grace" period. 2. Also, make the Mayor's office accesible to the Mayor only. Incompetent cps are the biggest threat to the Mayor and they tend to want to be in the office when they should be patrolling.
  2. Gmod hours: 1905 What you can contribute to our gang: Political power, money, somewhat decent base defense Are you liked? Be honest.: I'm liked enough to either get elected Mayor in a landslide, or lose by only one vote each time Do you raid?: Yes Do you base?: I usually don't. I prefer to roam around, or I just base in the PD if I'm Mayor. You cool? Gotta be cool: This is a "weeb" invasion! :3
  3. Hey TitsRP! I've finally decided to introduce myself after 100+ hours of playtime. I've actually been on this server for about 4 months now under previous names. Anyway, I'm 21 years old and if I'm not Mayor (best "weeb" Mayor, no taxes etc...), I'm just doing random things. I may or may not have interacted with some of you on the server. I look forward to seeing you all on the server.
  4. Makoto

    Warrants Bug

    Bug Description: When you become Mayor, warrants by the CP start appearing lower on the screen each time they show up. After about 6 or so warrants, they no longer appear on the screen even though the sound can be heard. It gets to the point that even Judge Gabe can't see any warrants. How to reproduce: Get elected Mayor or become Judge Gabe and watch as the incoming warrants go further and further down your screen until out of sight. Priority: High
  5. I have a minor suggestion. How about changing the secondary fire for the knives to a more powerful stab as opposed to throwing it. I'm so used to the secondary fire being a stab (like it is on other servers) that I've thrown my knife away accidentally or thrown it at someone accidentally. Being on this server alone isn't going to fix years of muscle memory.
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