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My Profile Is A Lie


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Everything posted by My Profile Is A Lie

  1. This thread is absolutely cancer lmao, this isn't a city, or a town, this isn't journalism, this is a joke.
  2. Everytime I try to go to the home page ,it logs me out talking about registration on multiple accounts is not allowed, but i can go on anything else on the fucking website.
  3. 0 0 F Sign this man up for FaZe right fucking now. New leader.
  4. Gotta love those graphics settings. 13 processors would make so much more money than those printers. I got 28 blowtorches just from those processors. Yo :B: we also had 14 processors untill a silly trap blew everything up :/ that's how much better we are than your dumbass, we don't care if our money makers get blown up and we don't show off that we're better than you untill you think you're cool :^) T R I G G R E D LMAO holy shit if you're not salty Plus can we mention how you spelled "Until" Wrong 2 times. not triggered, just showing you guys didn't have shit for a farm and you probably never will
  5. Gotta love those graphics settings. 13 processors would make so much more money than those printers. I got 28 blowtorches just from those processors. Yo :B: we also had 14 processors untill a silly trap blew everything up :/ that's how much better we are than your dumbass, we don't care if our money makers get blown up and we don't show off that we're better than you untill you think you're cool :^)
  6. I mean, I've seen him ban and do sits, more than 1/2 the time he calls the person autistic or bans for autism lmao. And he wanted me demoted for going into his sit saying "ADMEEEENNN" then spectating dindu. They questioned why I spectated, it was to see where he was cause i hired a hitman, I MEANT to type "I wasn't going to tell the hitman where he was" but due my thought process going faster than my typing I typed "I was going to tell the hitman where he was" And then they asked why I spectated the guy they were in a sit with, that was a legitimate spectate to see how dindu handles certain sits cause he seems to alot of them. :L Next time put it on the correct format and such so something will actually be done if you want something to be done, this is the WRONG forum to post a report...
  7. I noticed this and it confused me, I thought it mightve just been like defused or something. Please try to fix
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