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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by TitsRP

  1. August 11th Changed mugging cooldown from 1 minutes to 3 minutes
  2. August 11th Changelog There was a gmod update today, going to let it run until a crash to confirm the model issue still persists Updated Gmod Fixed Theater placement Fixed Spawn Protection placement If this does not fix the issue, I will be removing ALL VIP job models for the next reset to confirm the issue still lies in one of them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Server crash Removed all VIP models. Every SINGLE one
  3. August 10th Added a minimum mug time for all mugs to be 10 seconds
  4. This is here to show which rules are changing, when they change August 9th Changes Jesus to Zeus Changed Satan to Hades Added cooldown for raiding a warranted base as a CP to 10 minutes
  5. August 9th Changelog - Pending ETA: Half of the content today at a crash, half tomorrow morning I thought I posted this yesterday. I guess I was wrong. The server still crashes every 12 - 20 hours which is FINE but I would like it if I actually had to make it reset every 24 hours on a timer. That would be so nice. I know the player models are the issue but its just which ones are they? Its not as easy as it sounds. One of the easier ways is to look at all the "older" playermodels since this issue has been happening for 2+ months which. I will be revamping some models and weapons with some classes so bare with me. Added Sir Artorias Job (VIP Only) Added a spawn protection system Added back various VIP job models, they may be different from before Started to record all changelogs for rules in a seperate thread as requested Changed model for Jesus Christ and Satan Changed models for the Bloods and Crips (may be default models for now) Changed King model Removed Billy Mays job Changed the way Bricks and Bible interacts with players Limited Bricks to only the Master Stalker and Stalker Class Made Elastic Restraints, C4, Ark Guns and Shadow Knife buyable from the BMD Fixed not being able to get out of the cuffs, no matter how hard you tried Doing some work on the Fungi Infection swep, can't promise it will be in tomorrow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Server crash because of a job change, this means that we have to remove models Removed Smith model Removed Gabe model Removed King job for now
  6. August 4th Changelog Fixed theater Added models for Rayquaza, Hitler, Spiderman, Alien Race and terrorist Added TFA Melee sweps to some jobs Replaced Master Stalker model to Teletubby Added VIP Job Mushroom King --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Removed Alien Race and Terrorist model Added back old meth system Added Enclave model Added Brick Added Precision ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Removed Spiderman model, Hitler model
  7. This is a weird issue but easy to solve nonetheless. Some mod / admin / superadmin made the projector persist while it already spawns each time the server starts up, resulting in 2 projectors. Fixed for the next reset!
  8. August 2nd Changelog Pending: VIP job models today, everything else tomorrow August 3rd I think testing concludes. We have found the playermodel that has been causing crashes and thinking about it, the conclusion makes sense. The playermodel was the Destroyer of Worlds playermodel, after removing that from the server, everything seems to be more stable now. As we pay our respects and say our goodbyes, let us all remember our cute little bird. Now that issue has been fixed. I am going to be adding everything back that was recently removed. Updated plyp2 [align=left] Added Hitler model Added Spiderman model Added Terrorist model Added The Enclave model Added Spawn of heck model Added Assassin model Added Nations Agent model Added Alien Race model Added Rayquaza model Added Grim Reaper model Other stuff: Custom playermodels for custom jobs are back Added precision back Added bodygrouping tool back Added Weather / Day / Night cycle mod Added the Italian and Russian Mafia, they are not KoS by default --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/align] [align=left] Removed Sanic model Removed Spyro model Removed all VIP job models Fixed Stalker models -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed theater bug Added back the King job / model [/align]
  9. August 1st Changelog I think we have fixed the issue. Finally, we can resume playing the game without this annoying issue that once plagued this server. I am SO glad we found out the issue was some playermodel(s) (but jesus christ how does that cause a server to segmentation fault). I will start to add in some playermodels, this process will most likely be completed within the next 2 - 3 days. I cannot guarrentee every playermodel will be back but I do think every custom job playermodel will be back. I will be starting with public job models and VIP job models first though. Thanks for your patience. This log is more for me than for you. I am just logging what I am adding in and whats in each pack. Updated pack for plyp1 Added back Pet job / model Added back Master Pet model / job model Added back Pedo job / model Added back Hobo Lord model Added back Hitman model Added back Secret Service job / model Added back Destroyer of Worlds model Added back Master Stalker job / model Added back Fighter job / model Added back Fight Club Owner job Added back Snoop Dogg job / model Added back Terry Crews job / model Added back Cultist model Added back Billy Mays job / model Added back Pissed Baby job / model Added back SWAT models Added back King job / model Added back Jesus job / model Added back Satan job / model Other Stuff Added back Satan weapon & Jesus weapon Added back Eyeheight mod Fixed meth dealer not responding and not giving you your dolla dolla That's most if not all public jobs coming back for this next reset. We will see what happens! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Removed Destroyer of World model Removed Pissed Baby model / job
  10. July 31st Changelog I think the crashing has stopped. It must of been some playermodels. I may continue to run this loadout for the next 24 - 48 hours just to confirm. The first crash we had was 18 - 20 hours in because of an alleged group of people crashing it with welded props. No big deal. We then ran into a crash with prop spammers, then we ran into a crash with errhmm...me. Sorry about that one. It was 100% my bad. But here is what I am doing to prevent some of these issues. Added back a gutted version of enforcer. This means no more entity killing or prop in a prop Added back custom weapons for custom classes that were not there / missing Added back an Armory that you can raid for the PD Added back a material pack and tool pack that was not being force downloaded Unmounted TF2 Added a new Theater Updated DarkRP Also on the plus side, I have never seen a server run so smooth without playermodels. We were running at 40 - 45 players with packets coming in at under 500 bytes for 90% of the time.
  11. July 29th Changelog This is it. I can't handle going through EVERY single addon anymore. So this is what we are going to do. Listen VERY carefully, anyone with custom classes will be seeing they have little to no weapons on their class. I know, I am removing all custom weapons and features from the game for right now. Only a few will be in here. Please do not get angry. Its either you get angry at me for 1 - 3 days while we debug this issue hardcore or you get angry every server crash asking for a comp for printers / meth. Everything will be back once the issue is fixed. I have made backups of everything. If you're pissed please DO NOT PLAY UNTIL THE ISSUE HAS BEEN RESOLVED Removed Atlas Chat Removed Warning Module Removed Cuffs Removed Motd Removed C4 Removed NLR Removed Party System Removed Perks Removed Pickpocket Removed Modified Player Damage Removed Unboxing addon Removed all custom weapons except m9k New workshop collection located here 490443761 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Server crash when we were running little to no addons. This is good, very good. This is what I am doing now. Now remember, this is only temp, nothing will stay. Removed all playermodels. Using default models Added back any addon that was previously removed Because I have to remove a lot of playermodels, some jobs were removed. To compensate I am making all VIP jobs open for right now.
  12. If we did comps every crash, everyone would be a multi-millionaire because anyone can say "give me comp pls". We do comps if you have proof of what you had before the crash
  13. July 28th Changelog Okay so after this reset, a lot of things seem to be clear. For one its not an issue that just "crashes" the server. This issue relates to actually just lagging out the server at some points. Although today it did just seem to demolish the server, causing a segmentation fault and blowing it up..but that does not usually happen. It comes in spikes. Its hard to explain but here is what I am doing. Removing useless timers in the server such as FlammablePropThink and ZModCleanup (scipt that deletes dead npcs) Looking into addons that have a ton of NW vars, SendLua events, ect May add in a module that attempts to rewrite all umsg to net (heard good and bad) Taking a look into what we had back in January when the server tanked and never went down unless it was a prop spammer. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Taking a quick look, I will be redoing all weapon packs. If your weapon has an insane amount of networking variables or timers in them, they will be removed and I will look for a replacement Removed Punkbuster (Bulkcannon) Removed Breaching Spas Removed any gun on the Mad Weapon base Removed Tyrone's Mosins for the time being Removed Massacre Removed all ULX Adverts _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Removed Skullsmasher Removed Hackphone Added some CSGO weapons Added TFA Base (Like FA:S without the attachments) Added Homefront Weapon Pack _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Most addons with timers and that are poorly optimized will be gone Removed Hackphone Replaced current Armory Removed onPlayerChangedTeam hook from dlogs Removed PlayerInitalSpawn hook from dlogs Removed PlayerDisconnected hook from dlogs Removed JobChange hook from dlogs Removed callhome timer from textscreens _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Some more functions that are called when a player spawns and begins to pick up weapons is GetActiveWeapon, addons sharing those functions are also gone. Removed Cardboard Box (it actually thinks every frame for this function which is NO) Removed any trace of the Swep Construction Kit which may be lingering Updated Stacker Removed Precision and replaced with Smart Snap Removed Fire and Bleed Plasmid _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fixed wd_config error _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Removed Armory Removed Dlogs for now (85% of sits can be done WITHOUT logs) God speed my friends.
  14. July 27th Changelog Final effort...I don't know what else to do. Deleted all data that does not pertain to user information Cleaned up every addon that seemed to sustain crashes before Deleted all FAdmin data Went back to Sqlite (this will take a while) Removed cars for now (They will be back once this issue is solved, I have all of your data) Removed Drug Dealer / Drugs for now Removed lightsaber for now Removed Gangstas p99 for now Removed Eye Height function for now
  15. July 26th Changelog Hopefully changing mysqloo -> tmysql4 Reinstalled ULX and re-added over 200 steamids manually, let me know if I missed someone Deleted a lot of useless data Updated DarkRP Renamed some files for Linux ______________________________________________________________________________ Removed writable notepad SQL -> Sqlite possibly Reset all FAdmin groups Fixed Snoop Doggs bong spamming console
  16. July 25th Changelog Added Terry Crews Job Added a bong to Snoop Dogg Adding a bodygrouping tool Changed some numbers on the "CSGO" unboxing Fixed some silly shipments Updated rules for the Landlord, Terry Crews, Snoop Dogg
  17. Its mainly due to custom classes. I always wanted to do this. Of course gameplay changing elements is fun such as meth, printers, economy, ect are nice and fun to have because again it changes the gameplay. Most admin calls are for RDM because people have access to guns too easily which in turns calls for raiding constantly and just being silly. There are a lot of counters to this such as raising the price of guns which in turn makes custom classes insane so that can't work. Lowering the pace would make it feel slower which is definitely fine, I have no problem doing that. Another combat is making custom classes more expensive and applying a limit to how many weapons they can have. I can also get rid of ultimate game changers such as C4 which would probably piss everyone off that has them but would be a godsend to everyone else. Removing breakable doors would force people to pick locks which may force more RP since people can't just blow the door down without the Spas Breacher (which is in the server). But again, these are all ideas. Do I agree that there is not "enough" RP? Yes. Everyone kinda just runs around looking for places to raid. Do I think more content makes it a battleground? I don't think so, you just have to make it harder for people to obtain. I definitely will listen to suggestions on what to remove or what to balance, I know that the server is not a perfect place to RP and its hard to get it to that state.
  18. July 24th Changelog Still testing everything Reverted Scoreboard and F4 Menu, keeping bottom left HUD for right now Fixed permission for Admins, Moderators, Head Admins, Head Moderators Fixed turrets Cleaned up custom classes that were inactive ________________________________________________________________ Looking for addons that call functions for killing / spawning Removed function that demotes mayor on death Added back *most* previous addons that were removed Removed cuffs for now ________________________________________________________________ Added Fight Club Owner job Added Fighter job Added Landlord job Added Snoop Dog Job Added "CS:GO" like unboxing Changed Meth System to prevent silly people from crashing the server with the shit ton of entities this bitch used
  19. July 23rd Changelog Not the magical fix since it still CRASHED, don't worry. I am looking into some functions that are called on a playerspawn and initialplayerspawn and removing them for the next reset. Pls no angry, everything will be back Removed 2 custom ulx commands (Force Respawn, Force Unarrest) Removed Party System Removed Warning Module Removed Pekrs (I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL ADD THEM BACK) Removed theater Removed damage modifier Removed NLR Changed HUD very temp Changed F4 menu Changed a loadout function on all classes All ammo kits give 2x more ammo Also here is the new scoreboard that will be on the next reset (this is zoomed in, does not look like this on the client) New HUD and F4 Menu
  20. July 22nd Changelog Balances and fixes Balanced all *OP* AK47's (Aquamarine, Redline) Laser Jetpack does 1 damage now Fixed jobs having different player loudout and spawn commands. All are uniform now Added back theater _____________________________________________________________________________ Updated DarkRP which includes an updated function for players changing teams, hopefully this is the magical fix
  21. July 21th Changelog Fixing some errors and hoping for the best. This Removed the Theater Removed Lizard Models / Job Compressed some playermodels to reduce workshop count Replaced Anti-Prop Kill addon for now Resized jobs file ______________________________________________________ Moved donation db over to a closer location to our node Fixed event falling error (Buu's Base is still broken) Fixed cssnag errror Removed Emplacement Turrets temporarily (had some issues) Updated Donation API Removed Advanced Duplicator 2 for now
  22. July 20th Changelog Fixed various issues with cars and hopefully boosted server stability Updated DarkRP Made it so Admins / Mods can pick up cars Added Admin Tool that makes shit 900% easier Added Rayquaza as a VIP job Added Nations Agent as VIP job Added Master Pet as regular job Added rules for the Enclave / Rayquaza / Nations Agent / Master Pet Modified Enforcer to a gutted version to prevent a lot of issues Added a lot of workshop weapons on classes to the BMD dealer (19 new weapons!) __________________________________________________________________________ Nerfed laser jetpack Changed PlayX. Everything regarding derma UIs should be functional now Fixed missing playermodels
  23. http://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=290
  24. July 12th Changelog Added back Lightsabers (just to test if the server will crash) Added Party System (forgot to add it yesterday) Added Spawn of heck Job again (VIP Only) Added The Enclave Job (VIP Only) Added in a theater with theater job
  25. July 11th Changelog Another failure, nice! The gmod community is so confusing. Today we go back to our roots. Hopefully its worth it! Map Change to Downtown_v4c_v2 (yyaaay...) Removed Sewer Lord Removed Monster Hunter Removed Tow Truck Driver Removed Economy System Added Party System Nerfed C4
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