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Two White Crocs


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Two White Crocs

  1. Yo my name is Quarel Polinese I am totally new to TITSRP! if anyone wants to show me the ropes I am ready to buckle down to work and bang out a couple of lessons on the know hows of the server is you are catching my drift.


    User Has Been Banned For Sexual Harassment.

  2. There would be no point in making a party then?



    100% Agreed, the one point of parties is to be able to do group related activities and/or protecting your friends. Getting rid of party countering would render them almost completely useless.

  3. If you don't know you can change your psygun color using console commands. 


    Hope this helps you change your psygun colour until this bug is fixed.


    I tried doing it in console and it didn't work, so I'm either retaded or it's 100% broke

  4. Bug Quality of Life


    Description: You can't change the color of your physgun in the context menu, it just stays blue no matter what you try to do to fix it.


    How to reproduce:

    1. Go into the context menu (Hold down "C").

    2. Click "Player Model".

    3. Click on the "Colors" tab.

    4. Change your physgun color to anything.

    5. Open console.

    6. Type kill.

    7. Your physgun is still the bright blue it was before.


    Priority: LOW

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  5. Welcome OX, by the way, I have no problem with you calling me mum, as long as that x-mas gift is good son, I'm joking, on a serious note, welcome to the server; I hope you have a blast! (Also, Christmas gifts to me aren't sent back <3)

  6. I think we should use discord for the simple reason that it has many more useful and advanced features than TS, such as bots, more advanced role system, and honestly has a much better aesthetic, it also has a FREE app for phones, as TS's app actually cost money. If your not completely sold (Sugar), I ask that we try it out for a week or so. Also about the quality, you can just increase the bitrate in the settings as long as your internet can handle it.

  7. Make sure u have a good recording system

    download sony vegas pro i reccomend the most updated one 

    Try using fraps or bandicam until you can get a better recording program


    use photoshop to edit thumbnails or channel art etc


    You do realize that photoshop and sony vegas cose a lot of money, right?

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