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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by WantedNearby

  1. I think this is worded dumb. It should say Having a weapon without a license if the next sentence will say weapon which includes knives and shit. Just holding a weapon makes the most sense and we as staff cant see in logs that someone looked at you with a gun. If someone is holding a gun that clues you in that they could have other shit on them. The example says brandishing a firearm not a weapon. Again this shit needs to be reworded "If you are searched and possess a weapon without a license you can be arrested." The confusion is again because the thing is worded dumb and it should say "Having a weapon without a license" or it should remove the mentions of weapons in it and change it to firearms. I would say it warrants an arrest unless someone here wants to argue that you should fine the person till they reach 0 dollars and get sent to jail for not being able to pay the fine.
  2. The brandishing a weapon part doesn't matter the guy has a gun out so he doesn't need to be weapon checked in the first place. If a player was holding a knife out that is a weapon and not a firearm so if they started swinging the knife around that would be cause to weapon check. You guys are very caught up on the weapon checking part for some reason. I would instantly cuff this dude for having a gun out with no license lol.
  3. No You can arrest someone for having a gun out and having no license it is a default law till the mayor changes it Yes You need to have a valid reason to search "Random weapon checks (not including checkpoints) are not permitted unless there is a reasonable suspicion that the person is committing a crime (ex. verbal threats, active bounty, brandishing a weapon, advertising illegal services, etc.)" I would say do not want a player after they've killed you. You can maybe say in the cop job chat that so and so killed you and they can want that player but dont involve yourself in the same situation. I believe you can fine for building on the street considering no job should be doing it other than cop and this might be an in roleplay way to address that. For other things in there like I think its called Unstable Person, I would say that's basically just fining for disturbing the peace which is a default illegal activity. A lot of the other ones are just fluff to not have an extremely small menu but as long as its in roleplay I don't think you'll get in trouble for fining someone for terrorism when they're pipebombing PD.
  4. There doesnt need to be a law it says default illegal activity is having a firearm without a license and the guy had a firearm without a license. There is also no unwritten rule and especially not one thats been known for years. This is the most recent addition to the rules which does not pertain to you as the guy was holding a firearm and you didn't even have to weapon check him since he's you know holding a weapon and you can see he has no license on his name tag. Random weapon checks (not including checkpoints) are not permitted unless there is a reasonable suspicion that the person is committing a crime (ex. verbal threats, active bounty, brandishing a weapon, advertising illegal services, etc.)
  5. another take by a raiding elitist 1%er please stop suggesting things that only helps you and terry's crew. This server is for the COMMON people. Please heart react my post if you agree.
  6. very clearly not allowed and is just loopholing
  7. This is intended. There is a recipe that removes this downside but that is kept under wraps. So get back to cooking!
  8. Party flags dont render against props with world glow which is gonna be most of the time if someone is basing there so you can't see names
  9. Also possibly up the range (both for swinging and tping) of shadow knife and make it less janky. It feels almost impossible to teleport. It should also only remove like 10 of your HP and put in the chat of the person you teleported to "[Name] teleported behind you" Also make it clear if you can TP to people if u can see them in gaps thru their base because that used to be allowed and all staff seem to have differing opinions (I think it should be allowed because the obvious counterplay is to remove gaps in your base) You also can't open doors (vents) while on a ladder so theres like 3 spots on the map where you have to jump off open it then get back on ladder
  10. Make it so while in a search bar in the F4 menu pressing your bind for F4 menu doesn't close it. For an example I have it binded to T so when I spell Batman the second I reach T it closes it. Add auto sort to the bank and make it so u can do it for only the bank as well and not touch your inventory. Possibly add sorting by color to auto sort You can hold an item in your inventory and scroll the bank up and down but you cant hold a bank item and scroll your inventory up and down please fix. Please find a way to make it so when you open your inventory you don't freeze sometimes its really aids in a fight. (This might be a big ask) Cops can't buy shovels but there is a legal crop that can be farmed (shovels are also needed melee in some situations) If you guys can think of anymore changes to some server jank feel free to REPLY!!!
  11. To raid bank make it so there has to be like 100 players and 10+ cops
  12. Uncommunity remove bone thank you. rushed vote that took place in like 2 hours at 3am
  13. Let the hate consume you. Hating is my favorite hobby
  14. Wow we should really put something in the rules saying you're allowed to have a vehicle in a raid as long as you don't spawn another one after its blown up.
  15. What if a fresh start server was put up that lasted a month and when it ended gave bonuses on the main server to anyone who participated and you are able to select a couple of slots from your inventory and bank to transfer back over when it ends and you could even get a subway pet or some shit to be the Fresh Pet for prestiging once on the server. On this server custom content could be disabled meaning lootboxes and all other random loot doesnt give any cc sweps and every player has a CC that only has a max of 4 slots and can only use the default !ms models. Damage cap is removed from the server and makes cannons more enticing as no one has them stockpiled. prop limit is lowered to 50 to make dupes have to be redone and doors can only have a maximum of 4 people on them and double doors not getting around that. Can't think of any more suggestions but I don't think this would not make the main server die and could get a lot of players that like the more hardcore basing and raiding playing on it to enjoy. I also think all bans on this server should be wiped so permabanned players could play or some shit for the memes.
  16. c4 is already worse than it was before. mat nades being disabled means all fence bases that noobs like are better and those are pretty good against c4
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