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Yellow Guy



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  1. Beautiful work gents, I love the memes they're so accurate! Your guide is very clear and im sure it will help me duel Sugar someday soon ;) <3
  2. Rip to at least 15M LOL I don't really mind though as long as it gets fixed ;)
  3. I haven't left the server, or died for that matter, those of you that know me will understand that due to some unfortunate events i have been absent for some time, I do plan to come back soon, however anything can prevent this; i am trying as hard as i can to preserve my freedom. Be on soon i swear Miss y'all. Jake < yellow guy >
  4. Yellow Guy verbally insulting me in sit, calling me an autistic fucking faggot instead of actually handling the issue at hand * I would very much like to see some evidence of this. Race (not staff, respected) being a complete dick to anybody and everybody besides his inner circle of friends/anybody who does any negative roleplay or ooc action towards him. His sickening disrespect promotes people on the server to accept an attitude of "its ok to insult people because if they don't like it or report it, they are whiny bitches" (I'll bet him or one of his friends replies some hate post against me, claiming I'm a salty whiny bitch who needs to be banned) * Once again, Evidence please. Spawn of heck SCREAMING at the top of his lungs in sits, to the point where it sounds like he is having an anneurism * Spawn of heck yells when you attempt to talk over him or say the sit is a ''waste of time'' and then try to leave. BillCat, If you are going to make wild accusations please back them up.
  5. Hi there is not sure you can be a bit of a few weeks ago but it to be in a lot to see the new one is not the other use the way of a few months of the other use it was the last night and the yes.
  6. Yellow Guy

    p l z

    I can support this idea (Maybe If its vip or trusted and up?) +1
  7. Gonna miss you budy, get steam mobile and msg soon
  8. Bug / Exploit / Quality of Life Description Using the Gun modification system you can duplicate weapons. How to reproduce Put in nessisary items then hit E to make it start to modify. while its randomizing the stats place more blood and gas in and hit E again do as many times as you can before the gun is spat out and you'll have made many dupes of your gun. Priority: (High, Medium, Low)
  9. Suggestions attempt #2 ( I've slept since ) Food I meant add consumables that you can have a limited supply of. this would provide cook jobs with a source of money and a purpose. heres an example of how it would work, no hunger system btw bacon x15 (2 hp) milk x 5 (10 hp ) twinkies x 5 (5 hp) soda x 4 (15 hp) water x 3 (25 hp) ect.. Precision works fine, thanks! Vip and drugs They're a really great way to make money however the process is simple and not dynamic at all, one suggestion I have for that would be to maybe add a function to the civilian phone that lets you call a drug dealer to you, a static npc that can only spawn in alleys or something, with a cooldown providing incentive to stockpile different drugs as the prices change you can sell them when the time is right. Back to the vip, as it stands you can get vip in about 4 hours of farming all 60 spots, which is quite easy when everyone is offline, players also abuse this system at night. Vip Jobs / Jobs in general Sugar said that there are too many jobs overall and I agree I feel that removing some jobs is a temperary solution; however If you revamp some jobs in order to make them worth playing it could dramatically improve the server. some things that could be changed I have stated on the server, such as making the meth cooking process more rewarding and less grueling, Maybe add a job that can buy and sell money printers, restrict the purchase to that job; add the ability to sign it over to the player No colide If you could pm me and explain how, that would be mint :* more to come friends!
  10. >Make it so you can buy milk and other items for carryable food >LIMITED Use of rope / axis tool when VIP >Make it so you need 5m and a week of playtime for VIP >Make more VIP jobs with uses such as > Make it so the drug npcs can be "called" on a phone and will arive in certain areas that way its not the same place each time and people wont just KO you for your box because they know people farm certain spots >Add the ability to no colide props with the world that way you can place large items within smaller areas easier, (CADING INSIDE A BASE)
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