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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by ShardMario

  1. Its in the server rules "Do NOT call an admin for a single RDM" Why is there a button to report single RDM when you die then? Also here is my solution, since staff want to ignore sits to RP (: Make sits stay on the screen until they are taken.... The main excuse staff use when you ask why your sit wasn't taken was "I didn't see a sit" (which is a whole new can of worms, because if you didn't see it, that means you either let sits stack up to the point where you wont see new sits, or you ignored it). If you make sits stay on the screen until they are taken, it will make staff actually do the job they VOLUNTEERED for. The main reason this topic has people so pissed is that in 99% of staff apps, people say "I want to help the server because there are a lot of times when there aren't staff online and I want to be able to help people when they need help etc etc etc...." If you're gonna volunteer to help the server, and then say that you're volunteering to help because you feel like there is a lack of help.... then idk..... maybe you should actually help by taking sits when they are called. I do agree with Blacnova that people calling bullshit sits should be punished, because that really does waste staff's time... but at the same time sits shouldn't be discriminated against, especially for "single RDM." If staff didn't take Single RDM reports, anyone with any warns on the server would have at least 10 less warns... and I can say that from experience seeing as how a good number of my warns are from accidental, single RDM's being reported. So if staff aren't going to take single RDM sits, remove all RDM warns from everybody...
  2. Here is my take on this.... The point of Moderator / Admin / Tmod / Any Staff Rank is to help the players. The whole point of applying is to sacrifice your RP time to help the server / the players when they need something... I see the fact that taking sits can get hectic when there are 90 players on and only ~4 staff (which isn't rare), but that is all the more reason to take sits... Ignoring sits to RP / Base / Raid will make it even worse than it is, and you make it harder for the other staff online to complete the wall of sits that just pile up. To the point that was mentioned "I won't take single RDM sits" : This is the most retarded thing I've ever heard in my fucking life. RDM sits are literally the EASIEST sits to resolve. "@Player X rdmed me" Bring player and player x why did you kill player, player x "accident" check dlogs Ok looks like it was crossfire, be more careful next time or Why did you kill player, player x " am hitman, had a hit" ok, player, he had a hit on you, have a nice day Do you see what I'm getting at... RDM sits take less than 2 minues if youre a decent staff member lol... Dlogs can solve 80% of all sits in under 3-4minutes if you use your brain " Do you want us to take sits 24/7 " : *facepalm* *facepalm* *facepalm*..... huh?..... If you are staff, take sits. Simple as that. If you don't want to take sits, step down
  3. Why are you still commenting here lol
  4. bringing back evilmelon is a joke, even though it was hecka fun. I could run it fine on a 4 year old laptop with no dedicated GPU... so..
  5. If this becomes a thing, I believe we should bring back the PD armory (most people won't remember this, but like a year ago we had an armory in the PD which acted as the bank,CPs could use the armory to take out strong guns, and non CPs could raid the armory just like the bank is raided). I believe we should have an armory that spits out strong weapons if raided, and the bank should spit out money if raided. Also, there should be a panic button in the bank, and a lockdown mode (like evilmelon), where if activated, the PD get a popup telling them to rush to the bank. In addition, I think the PD should get super decked out, where the mayor doesn't have a tiny little office, and the armory is actually difficult to get to. YES OMG BRING THIS BACK PLEASE (evilmelon) This is a little too seriousrp-y for me tbhh. Some things I do agree with though are the hospital, deathmatch area, containment center for ebola, weather and day/night system, and firestation with jobs.
  6. ShardMario

    New Map

    >talks shit about people >begs them to talk to him >complains about server staffing >is actually hecka corrupt and biased :) dont make me expose you Edit real fast: You're actually pretty ignorant. This isn't minecraft, I actually get 150+ fps without the multicore rendering
  7. ShardMario

    New Map

  8. http://prntscr.com/dxehg8 Idiot. Donkey.
  9. For some reason, color of the background on forums is same as text so this is why its green Anw, [Respected] Rank should only be able to have the perms it has when there are only 3 or less staff online. Like, there should be a command that is only usable for [Respected] rank when there are 3 or less staff on which gives them the perms it has normally. I don't think I'm explaining it well so ill give an example. There are 2 staff online, Lets say player X has respected rank. Player X should have VIP perms until he uses (for example) !GiveMeRespectedPerms. Using that would give them whatever perms Why: It would reduce abuse (me), and it would let respected rank ppl be able to play without having to worry about physgunning someones shit by accident, or removing stuff from spawn Also respected should be able to kick instead of ban (pls) [Edit] Just realized that's kinda dumb cuz staff might be afk, Respected should have VIP perms + ability to kick normally
  10. Bug Description: Costumes are removed after you start / stop recording a demo, or remove a prop that you are sitting on How to reproduce: Put on a costume and start recording a demo /// Put on a costume and then sit on a prop. Use remover tool or undo in tool options Priority: Low
  11. Rules I think need to be more explicit DO NOT go back to your base if you were raided, wait until the raiders are done -What constitutes a raid being started should be explained -What constitutes a raid being ended should be explained Don't fading door abuse -What counts as fading door abuse Also do NOT return to watch a raid, this breaks nlr rules and you will get in the way of others if you are trying to or not. -If player x begins a raid and kills player y, can player x return to and finish the raid if player y comes back and kills player x -How far from the base being raided can you be -Are raidzones a thing??? Front PD door must always be open -Tbh just remove the front door or remove this rule, it always gets locked after resets DO NOT raid the same person over and over again, pick on someone else every once in a while -Whats the cooldown time to raid the person again? DO NOT raid public places. Some people just wanna chill, don't ruin their fun if they have no goods in their public place -Define public place -How do you know if the person wants to chill, they could have silent entities (bitminers) hidden in a backroom -Suggestion: Require a sign that says 'Chill' or something, this sign should disallow having forms of monetary profit within the base Other random suggestions: -Set a max time to have building sign up, no one is building a base for 12 hours.... just saying
  12. True Now I feel bad about saying you're inactive lmao wantednearby for moderator #instantlunch
  13. I honestly understand that Sugar, being in college, wont have time to play and it's amazing that he can balance the workload irl and in-game. So now, personally, I think the staff re-evaluation is a lower priority, but the rules still need to be defined just a bit more. Doing this would automatically fix the staff in my opinion, as some of you have already stated.
  14. Let me just start off my acknowledging what I know most of the comments will be. I know that it isn’t my place to tell Sugar how to run his server, especially since he uses his own money, barely (if even) making a profit from donations. Anyway, the topics I would like to address involve the server rules, and the staff management and conduct (or misconduct). I would also like to mention that these are not purely my ideas, a majority of them have been gathered from the community who feel the same on these topics. I am also going to keep the people referenced anonymous, and I would like to state that this is not targeting any 1 person individually, but the entirety of the staff force in general. Enough with the introduction, I’ll get into what I really want to talk about. I guess the first thing to talk about would be the server rules. Don’t get me wrong, the server rules do an ok job at allowing the community to enjoy the server, but they could be a LOT better. We’ll start off with the main issue, which is gray area. A lot of the rules are too vague and allow for players to avoid punishment after breaking them. Examples of this are rules that involve raiding and NLR. If a player dies during a raid, he is not to return to the base until after the raid is finished. Seems simple enough…. Except not really. Who knows what defines a raid, what counts as a raid, what counts as a raid being over besides the raider dying or adverting that the raid is over. My personal definition of a raid is when a player aggressively or surreptitiously acts against another player with intent to cause the downfall of the targeted player (or group of players in many cases). Examples of this would be attacking or killing the targeted player / group INSIDE their base (we’ll talk more about why its only inside later), using items or weapons that are used for malicious intent near the targeted base such as grenades, shooting at the door, using bludgeons when the player is near the base (loose description), lock picking / door charging etc. Examples of what a raid SHOULDN’T be defined as, are throwing smoke grenades near the base, loitering around the base, killing a player unrelated to the ‘targeted’ player or group, etc. Again these are all lose interpretations seeing as how half the server owns custom weapons. Now, how do we define a raid being over. If a raider leaves the raided base, the raid should be considered over, no matter for what reason. There should be no reason for a raider to leave the base besides ending the raid, simple. Another thing, raids against people who don’t have anything (i.e. any form of prop or entity such as printers / bitminers / drugs) should not be raidable (this is actually vaguely mentioned in the rules where it says not to disturb the players that just want to chill). Anyway, this is just one example of the rules that show the lack of explanation or depth, and this is a BIG problem because the server relies on the staff to correctly serve the community. If one staff member interprets the rules one way, and another staff member interprets the same rule another way, the result is catastrophic. I personally had to deal with this a few days ago with an admin. I was told by another staff member that raidzones were a real thing on the server (Basically a KOS area within an UNDEFINED radius around the base being raided), but then when I killed the admin claiming he was in this alleged raidzone, I was informed that no such thing existed and was given a warning. Now let’s say this happens in a situation for mass rdm. If I kill the entire server because they did something a staff member told me allowed for me to kill them, obviously I could have been banned by another staff member who had a different interpretation of the rules. Anyway, what I’m saying is that all the staff need to be on the same page for explicitly defined rules. This leads me to my next point, staff conduct and management. This is where I have no information on anything as to how staff are managed outside of the actual server (i.e. skype groups or whatever) so ill touch on it very lightly. In my very honest opinion, there are some very underqualified staff that don’t deserve it, and I have no idea how they got their rank. Some staff are completely biased to a group of players, and some just plain don’t care about anything. You crossfire kill 1 guy? That’s unfortunate, here is a 7-day ban for MassRDM. It’s not actually this extreme, but you get the point. Another thing is how punishments are calculated. I have seen countless times, someone who has LTAP’d, MassRDMed, and Broken NLR, being given the same punishment as someone who has only MassRDMed. I think the punishment system should be made public (if it hasn’t already been). My next point is staff conduct, which I do have quite a bit of experience with. I’ve received 15+ warns and let’s be honest, I’ve evaded countless more through the loopholes of the rules (I’m not saying I want a ban, pls don’t ban me). But anyway, what I’m actually talking about is staff ‘sits’. Firstly, some staff who are fully paying attention to in-game, don’t claim sits. There could be 7-10 people on the server, they’re chatting it up in OOC, and they don’t claim the sits. Why? Because they have to defend their base from raiders. But let’s move on to when staff actually do claim sits, which I would say is actually more than 50% of the time when I am on. The way the sits are conducted is so mediocre that its laughable. Staff messing up commands, bringing 3 or 4 people at once when they only mean to bring 1. It’s ridiculous. In the actual sit (and I have seen this), some staff are so careless with what they do. I was on earlier when a player was being unbanned (mind you I wasn’t even part of the sit, yet I was able to witness it. So much for confidentiality), and the staff member was like “Oh, I think that’s his steam ID, idk though.” Next thing you see, SteamID_2345498539435984398543 is unbanned or whatever the message was. WHO KNOWS WHO THIS STAFF MEMBER JUST UNBANNED. Maybe it was a prop spammer, a MassRDMer/rdar, who knows? This is rare, it happens, but it is rare. 1 thing I propose to begin with a defined area for sits. An area where I can’t prop climb (which people do) or master sword / swep to. As for staff, I will try not to sound too demanding, as again, I won’t tell sugar how to run his server. Firstly, the staff needs to be re-evaluated, and that’s all I’ll say about that. Secondly, there needs to be more active staff that know the explicitly defined rules, if such a list is ever created. It doesn’t look like Sugar really minds inactivity that much as long as they aren’t t-mod, and neither do I... except when it comes to the owner of the server. Now, I know (or at least I’d like to think that I know) that sugar is very busy, and he doesn’t have time to play with the community as much as he wants to, but unfortunately this inactivity is passed onto his head admins, and then his admins, and then the moderators, and then the t-mods, then respected, then then onto the community who look up to or strive to be a staff member. One drop really ruins the whole pool, and I’m not saying that Sugar does this purposefully or that he is a bad server owner, but a bit more activeness with the community could help. (Again as I said before I’m not sure what happens outside of the server regarding Sugar with his staff, so I don’t know if he talks to them or not). ~~ Sorry for the lengthy post, but this had to be addressed. The important main topics are in bold.
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