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Goldfish0 last won the day on July 22

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  1. hey, just saw your reaction on my post. hope you're doing well. don't frede out man

  2. Goldfish0

    Hi :3

    Here are the results from the recent "Tits Anon Feedback Poll - Summer 2024" I know some of you might dismiss this with random claims as to its legitimacy. If you think that the poll didn't cover enough ground or didn't allow respondents to be specific in their responses, I'd reccomend making your own poll https://imgur.com/a/Lfw0zrr Thanks, Goldfish
  3. There are already enough questions to make people complain, and this isn't all about staff its about the server in general, there's also two sections where you can type whatever you want about anything. Again, I'd recommend making your own, its free and very easy even for people who might be a little slow.
  4. Would you say getting comm removed or 6 month'd while staff, applies to "staffing" in that regard?
  5. 30 Responses is not enough to get the full picture but luckily no one has decided to spam the shit out of it yet so it should give some idea. Also for anyone who thinks this survey could be improved upon or feel my questions are biased or vague, I would recommend three paths : Making your own damn survey and/or Actually being constructive with the survey results once they are released instead of just throwing shade at people you don't like. or you could always just https://imgur.com/gallery/shut-oQLd3k7 Something I find very off about the staff team's approach to handling problematic people is how it seems they just wait until a victim builds some kind of air tight case against said problematic person . Unless of course the problematic person has a bad reputation with staff team in which case it's just an all out witch hunt. I think it'd be interesting for y'all to do a survey amongst the staff team if you think that is the best route. But in reality, I feel pretty confident saying that finding people who will actually take staffing a dying video game server seriously and handle situations with integrity are very very hard to come by. Maybe keep them around but reconsider letting players who have horrible track records with rule breaking become staff again/for the first time. https://imgur.com/a/eq88wRl
  6. https://imgur.com/a/dDWV1or https://imgur.com/a/NCnfsxN I don't know how to format so this is the best I got for now
  7. Yeah I just can't find away to do it right now without leaking my legal name and have the responses update at the same time. I am about to release some more stuff about the results so far though. The admin/smod questions are kind of obvious how they'd be answered but I'm sure people are curious, would really like some more responses, only 30 on the main for so far.
  8. This isn't true and Rubik can let you know too if you don't want to take my word for it. The only other thing that is being collected besides answers is the time and date you submitted your responses. Plus I'm pretty sure that it literally says at the start that your email won't be shown to the form creator too.
  9. It's actually pretty funny. I disagree with the private responses more but you can think what you want lol
  10. Unfortunately pointless maliciousness is pretty prevalent in this community so I did what I thought would work best, feel free to do the same thing if you think what we have here is so terrible.
  11. Please don't turn this thread into a tin foil hat type argument, just doing this to hopefully push the server in a better direction and start discussions based on facts rather than a bunch of puff
  12. Rubik told me I couldn't collect any personal data so I did my best to work around that. If you answer seriously I'm guessing the others might fall in line so I appreciate that, regardless there is another instance floating around between 20-30 active players I trust so we will have that too. Unless I find a way to protect my info a little better in the short term I won't be releasing the responses publicly until they've slowed down in like a week or so but if you a real one hmu and I'll shoot it to you.
  13. Hi all, going to release a second version to those I know won't bullshit so do your best to just be down to earth and honest, thanks! https://forms.gle/ZCgJMtsD8HnV2Cgb6 EDIT : IF I SENT YOU THE PRIVATE ONE IGNORE THAT IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY DONE IT AND DO THE PUBLIC ONE Don't want to have any duplicate responses if/when i merge the two
  14. I wouldn't give a shit if it was less than 5k suga but it was and i miss having 5 figure suga count, pls help ;_;
  15. I believe its the same time frame as marketplace which is a week until it just goes to the void. The metal clip was me joining after I got back to my computer and saw I had dced. the two winnings I claimed were coinflips that no one took before I dced. You might be on to something with the midnight thing as it was around that time. I've ive joined and left a few times since the incident and haven't seen any option to claim the winnings.
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