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187th that guy with the gu


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by 187th that guy with the gu

  1. Unboxing NEEDS improvements and fixing #1. Its Really Really Really slow for some reason. (to test it try unboxing) #2. its still complete shit. Its still not worth unboxing cause even if I get a pink, its still trash. Soo here is what I think unboxing should have per tier Blue: Regular weapons like Ak47's and shotguns, common tier upgraded weapons. Pinks: Powerful Weapons; Awp assimov, m4a4 howl, stealth camo, $25k-$50k, uncommon tier upgraded weps. Purples: Event Token, 100k-250k, Blowtorch, epic tier weapons, ect (idk that much, just make it op stuff) Gold: 500k-1mil, Cannon, 10 event tokens, (idk if you still have this but,) Free 10$ game, legendary tier weapons. You can Make your own rates and make the cost to unbox 1 crate like, 7.5k or something around there. Basically just make it about the same as when you first added the system. No more of this 50%hp crap, or baby thrower.
  2. I still Believe the vip+ rank should be added. I'm gonna go into a little more detail about it in this reply. So basically only vip's can apply for this. It should be treated like a mod application but slightly less difficult to get the actual rank. The only thing the rank would come with is the power to ban people up to 30minutes. And the only thing the vip+ people can ban for is the obvious things like mass rdm and mass rda, ect. And they can only ban when staff are afk or not on or if the staff that are on are busy dealing with stuff. And Glaze, it wouldn't be a money grab cause you still need to apply for it and people who donate anyway would probably be happy anyway cause they get the vip jobs and stuff. Plus its only 5$ anyway, anyone can pay that price. This way people who want to somewhat be staff but not deal with everyday problems that might ruin the experience for them can help out. If anyone still thinks a bad idea or anything i have a counter argument. If you think its a bad idea and that people will be like oh hey I'm gonna buy vip and apply! hopefully i get accepted so i can mass ban hue hue hue. well the same can be said for trial mod. trial mod can just be bought and you can mass ban right off the back!. so if you think veteran players who apply will abuse then take down the trial mod!. anyways i guess that settles everything soo sugar please take some consideration into this. And for those of you who like to comment, if its positive then ok, if its negative, just say its a bad idea, don't say HOLY SHIT DUDE THATS A FUCKING HORRIBLE IDEA. WTF WERE YOU SMOKING????.
  3. This One I think is very important so please make it a thing sugar. If you haven't noticed there has been a mass amount of mass rdmers, overfinings, and just straight up too many people who break the rules very often. And Even when there are staff on, it still too much to handle. And when staff aren't on, using the voteban/votekick system never works cause people don't vote! Its so bad (at least to me) that I have even considered applying for mod, but I don't exactly want to be a mod, I just want to be able to get rid of the mass rdmers. So as a veteran to the server I have thought of a few ideas to help this problem. 1. Let people demote even when there is staff on. I think a warn for doing you job wrong as a cop is not enough these days. if you don't know the rules enough then you just should be allowed to play the job. And after a demote, the player who got demoted should be banned from the jon for 15 minutes (or some other amount). 2. Vips, or at least vips that you trust (like me) Should be able to straight up be able to ban people for up to 30 minutes, for the obvious things like mass rdm and mass rda, extreme overfining, ect. Maybe make like a vip+ rank or something for this that you have to apply for or something. That way, people like me who don't want to be staff and deal with everyday problems but want to get those mass rdmers off the server can. 3. Maybe add a 5 minute delay before someone can click close on the motd page so it force them to read the rules (for the first login only). Idk how this could be added but it would be nice to inform new players about the rules that are quite unique to the server like the no adverts rule (except counter). Anyways, Sugar Please take heavy consideration on this, cause I cant take the frustration of not being able to ban these mass rdmers when they get on. And Worst comes to worst, if it doenst work you can always remove it/change it.
  4. -Snip- -Snip- I like idea 2 and 10 and for idea 7, Making a hunger games event would be cool <- even though survival is kinda like it -Soo, instead of starting with weapons maybe go find them in boxes, which are inventories I don't think a hunger games would be added, and for those of you who haven't checked, go to the bottom of page 88 to see what I posted on ways to spend money and my banks and bonds idea. Also a gun game event would be cool.
  5. That's fine except money is too inflated. There are so many ways to make money but no ways to spend it except on custom classes and guns and events I guess. I have been thinking for the past 4 days on what I could make so you guys would spend money more often and get something out of it but it would also have to be something that doesn't make you insanely powerful or impossible to kill. Something fun, something that you just say "hey, lets buy this because it's fun" not "lets buy this to kill everyone" Unfortunately I can't think of anything really worth while. If you spend money you want a chance to get more money or something permanent. Cars offer a very short term solution but have a lot of downsides. Perks just allow the richest to be untouchable. I want every player to have an equal experience but I do want the dedicated players to be able to do something more. I just don't know what the something more will be. I want to add a whole other element to the game but it's a lot harder to just magically think of it. I thought of some ideas to spend money. 1. Expensive cars 2. A casino that takes more than it gives out. 3. Small Perma Perks, like Run faster, jump higher, armor on spawn, more inventory space, more hp on spawn, ect. 4. I pm'ed you about a preset custom classes idea 5. More Expensive unboxing, (like make the price to unbox like 5k but the items you get are much better and aren't shitty. like seriously, even though you improved the unboxing system, people still rarely unbox unless their extremely rich cause they got nothing else to do.) 6. The harry potter wands and magic. (make people pay like 50k-1mil for spells depending on the spells effect/what it does) 7. Maybe add a hunger system, this way mayor will have to go out to buy food instead of hiding behind his unraidble pd base/ just hiding (also goes for raiders' basing) This way restaurant owner can finally be useful. 8. Bring back magic man and let people rp as what the pill makes them, in return make pills really expensive (I promise this will be very fun and it will make people spend their millions) 9. Bring Back the bloods and crips, or make 2 mafia family jobs (like Italian mafia vs german mafia for example). The kos wars between them will make people spend a lot of money on weapons. 10. Add an option to events where you can start one but there is no prize, make it just for fun. Make it like 50k to start and everyone can just play for fun without a prize. (this would be good for practicing the events and having fun) 11. Custom tags. Make a Custom Tag Npc And you can get a custom tag in any color. For example you could create tags ranging from [hobo] to [Millionare]. So a tag like hobo would cost about 1k where a tag like millionaire would be 1mil. You can also add a crate a tag option for like 10mil or something. Anyways here are all my ideas to spend money. So please add them along with my other idea.
  6. I got an Idea that probably wont be added but it would be nice. Since we already have stocks and stuff I think it would be awesome to have bonds, and banks that pay out Interest. For those of you who don't know what a bond is, its basically lending money and getting more back later. For example, I would buy a 10k bond and after playing like 5 hours on the server I would get 11k back. The more money you put in and the longer the wait time the more money you get. This would be good for people just starting out who wanna make a guaranteed buck and for rich people who are tired of printing. It would also be cool if we added money banks to the server. basically there could be a bank where you could deposite money to earn interest. For example, I would deposite 100k into the bank and after playing 12 hours on the server my deposited money would get a 1% interest rate (or whatever rate sugar would choose) and I would end up with 101k. This would be cool for people who want to make money with their millions and there would be a risk to it. The bank heister job would be able to rob the bank and take 1% of each persons deposited money. so If I have 50mil deposited, I just lost 500k to the raiders. And of course everyone can counter the bank raids. (only bank heist crew can raid, and nobody else can assist. (to make getting that SHIT TON of super quick money a real challenge)). Anyways let me know what you guys think.
  7. +1 but I think it should just be survivors instead of classes for the sake of it being simple, and maybe 1 medic/healer. Also for another event that everyone absolutely has to participate in would be the purge, as a random event there could be a purge and rdm is allowed by everyone except custom classes (cause they op) and cops/mayor. should last like 20 minutes. this way we can have an rdm festival for people like me who just want to kill everyone but not get punished.
  8. Sugar already knows about the boom box. Bloods vs Crips caused a lot of racism. <- So he changed it to the mafia Santa job was a christmas only special Snoop Dog's Playermodel is owned by someone in the game He just added some stuff to the unboxing system I don't think there needs to be a VIP Stalker job, that would be dumb <- But the Inv on the stalker job would be cool Bounty Hunter class, why does this need to be redone. If anything, I think the bounty hunters should be able to get bounties from mafia leader and his crew I also think mafia should be able to set bounties. <- Just an idea and........................ No to the new map..... Everytime we switch the map, the playerbase drops, sooooooooooooo................ no I hope this answers most of your suggestions. 1. For the Mafia, I think there should be 2 different mafias in a kos war. 2. Bounty hunter should be by everyone if they cant find a hitman to personally do it. and it shouldn't need a vote. 3. The knives still need to be removed or at least reduced dramatically cause I personally like my unbox system much much much much better. Other than that thanks for the answers
  9. This Is Boom Boxean. I have been playing on tits_rp for over a year now and ive basically done it all. Got Vip, Became the richest (at one point not anymore), played all the jobs, made friends and based with them, made a custom class, and ect. I still play on the server from time to time but it will never be as fun for me as it used too. So Ive thought about a lot of potential jobs and items that need to be added/ returned. Jobs: 1. Add Back the kos wars of the bloods and crips. they were always fun to me being able to just kill each other and team up with random players. 2. Add Back the Santa Job under stupid jobs, Give him a blowtourch, keypad cracker,spider gun and incis cloak so he can break into houses and leave presents. (Santa May not kill anyone and must pay for presents such as guns out of his/her own pocket. 3. Bring back Hitler Job. It doesn't have to be hitler cause odds are you will get complaints so make it like Genghis Khan or something. 4. a Vip Stalker job with an Invis cloak, Gut knife, Bludgeon,drilldo, and camera. 5. If possible make a Car salesman job where (for a relatively cheap price) you sell cars that last until the owner of the car leaves This way we have more legal ways to make money. 6. Gambler improvements. I think Gamblers need more 1 deadly game. the /roll commande should be added to the server. basically it would be used like this : /roll Boom Boxean rolled ( 1-100). This way we can set up dice gambling like if you roll 90-100 you get 2 times you bet and Ect. 7. Vaper should be replaced with the old snoop dog class. 8. I think the bounty hunter class need to be redone. I think there should be more than 1 (maybe like 3 or 4) and anyone should be able to post bounties. for example there would be a bounty list placed at spawn or something and anyone who is a bounty hunter can kill that person when they see him/her. 9. A Vip kos Gang War, maybe Enclave vs Brother hood of steel and they spawn with arc weapons. Weapons and items: 1. The boom box needs to be fixed. it just wont play the songs. u can test this by trying to play a song. 2. Bring back Arv weapons. they are just so cool plus if u decide to add my vip gang wars idea. 3, Add Better Crap to the unbox system. literally nobody except new people who don't know any better unboxes anymore. nobody wants knives from unboxing. heres the way I see it. Blues: Mainly pistols,poop thrower, hobo boot, medi kit, and 100-500$ Pinks: Smg's, Shot guns, machine guns, 10k-25k cash Purple: Same weps but add the chance to get 50k-100k Gold: Keep the same. And up the price of each unbox to balance it out. and plz do this cause its a serious problem. And the last thing I would like to be added is a new map. this is personally just for me cause ive been playing the same map for a year (besides the 3 weeks u changed it to the bigger map with the sewers and bigger pd and bank like a year ago). Please take some of these into consideration and thank you for your time.
  10. Type: Bug Description: Since the boom box was readded it hasn't been working. Reproduce: Try to play music when using a boom box Priority: Low
  11. I have 2 suggestions. 1. A vip Stalker job. The vip stalker would be something like Expert stalker or super pro stalker. it would have a invisibility cloak, a bludgeon, a csgo knife, poop thrower, and of course a drilldo for the kidnaped victims. (I just thought that an invisible master stalker would make a good vip class). 2. The unboxing system to me is terrible. I like that you can get csgo knives and stuff but I have no reason to unbox for $1500 a key to just get a knife or something completely useless. To fix this I think a new class should be made. like CSGO Trader Could sell csgo knives for a living or something as a new job and as for the unboxing, the price should be raised to like 2500 a key and 1000 a crate and have the items consist of this... Blues: pistols, heals, medkit, weak smg's, Weak Shotguns, weak machine guns, and 100 - 500 cash. Pinks: Shotguns, Good smg's and good assault rifles, and snipers, 5000 - 25000 Cash. Purples: Same Weps already there, 50k-250k cash. Gold: 500k- 1mil cash, Some Super Duper OP Swep (like a machine gun that does like 50 dmg per bullet or a 1 hit kill explosive that have a medium splash dmg range) This way the Unbox system would have purpose instead of just getting knives. Please let me know what you guys think. +1 This is what I think, Grace period should last 10 minutes where if your killed you don't get switched back to citizen, instead you respawn and must obey what the raiders want changed. ( and if they did it for fun then rip 1 life) After the 10 minutes are up, if your killed you get demoted.
  12. I agree that should be added back. Even if they are more expensive than before. Plus they can be ultra rare drops for the processor too. + 1
  13. Soo here is a little bit about me. I don't care about much but I do like having good times. I cry about op Sweps and I cry when my sweps get nerfed or made useless. I have been playing tits rp for a little over 1 year and I gotta say its been an experience. If you wanna chillax with me on the server just ask away and i'll enter your home and just be there. One more thing.. IF YOU WERE ON FIRE AND I HAD A BUCKET OF WATER ID DRINK IT!.
  14. A while Back I asked Sugar why bitminers were nerfed and he said its because they are legal. To me this is honestly Bs cause really the only people who are going to raid you are other raiders and bitminers being legal doesn't really change anything there. Also, cops cant have bases and nobody bases as the classes that cant do illegal activities. So I think bitminers should be buffed. - Boom Boxean
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