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187th that guy with the gu


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by 187th that guy with the gu

  1. Tis very true but I like bitching so idk, like I said I got bored, but not everything I said in the post was a complain. but if it makes you happy I will stop.
  2. I got bored so I decided to share how I see things on the server and the logic I have behind some things that I say. Mostly to help u guys get to know me more. The Servers economy: ok so there is not much to say except that making money used to be really ez about a year ago and I pretty much miss those days of printing a few mil a day. But for the new players I like the economy cause its not TOO risky for them. Also why the FUCK are some of the newbies like super super poor. like 50% of the newbs have under 10k like what the shit guys, go mine some metal or run some parcels, make an ez 50k in like 10 min. Also sugar I'm still pissed off that there are no salaries, I paid good money for my CC to have a 100$ salary like wtf man. I'm pretty sure that 100$ isn't going to make anyone super rich. The Staff. Most of the staff are 13-16 year olds that sound like they are 10-13 over the mic. now I got nothing against squeakers and I don't want to offend anyone but some of these staff can get real pissy. and if u get mad at me for posting that comment then ur prob one of them and shouldn't really be a staff member. So if I didn't piss you off that means your doing an excellent job and should remain a staff Who do I think should be staff memebers? Well the best staff in my opinion should be people who have shown to help new players and are relatively calm about things and are very unbiased and don't WANT to be staff members but still want to help other people out. this would show that they are not power hungry and should be offered the position instead of applying. Now I know what your thinking but it makes sense once you think about it. And yes applying should still be a thing but that's what I think would make the BEST staff member. Map changes Well if you haven't seen my suggestions before, I'm all for a map change cause ive pretty much had enough of downtown but sadly 90% of players still love the old map so rip me and everyone else a little tired of the map. Who know maybe someone will take sugars offer or people realize that downtown is a shit map or something one day. Custom Classes. Now this one DOES make me a little pissed off; Some peoples customs classes are op as FUCK man, and sugar lets them keep their op class. meanwhile a little under a month ago I asked sugar if I could make a brand new class with the sans swep which was a little powerful to be honest but not sooooo powerful that it would break the game. I was even willing to pay extra in game for it too but I got denied. Like why cant I have a powerful swep while other people have the most unstoppable classes that could make the sans swep look like complete shit. Also I don't really think that "Raid people at your level" or "Don't raid newbs" rule is ever enforced. like I always see CC's raiding new players that cant even afford a decent gun to defend against an average raid group, much less an op CC group raid with their c4's and op custom weps that for some reason weren't denied by sugar. So come one guys don't be dicks to the new players. Going back to when I asked sugar for the sans swep, I just wanted it because it looked cool. I don't really plan to use it that much I just like to show off my wealth and my cool shit these days cause like I said in other posts, ive kinda done it all. So ive made I final compromise, I cant mug, raid, or kidnap with the class but I CAN base (cause I gotta maintain my status and shit with da $) with the shit bases that I make. (I don't reall base that much anymore either. And if you still think its op at least test ut out first and nerf it if u have too. cause I just REALLY REALLY WANT IT. Stock market This is my bread and butter on how I make my money. or at least it was until sugar added that 100k limit on how much stock u can have in 1 company. (srsly what the shit man). instead of stopping me from making more money, it just increased my research time be like 20 minutes. Also the stock market is predicted to crash once the election is over so I would withdrawl your stocks soon, just a quick tip. Money I wish their were more things to spend money on. So I came up with a few things, 1. Perma perks and levels Make things like extra hp, extra salary (if you add this back), Extra interest in the investment bank or maybe upgrade the max initial deposite, extra jump height, extra running speed, extra inventory space, better luck in unboxing, decreased jail time, decreased fine amount, and ect 2. Buyable titles, Examples, "Gentleman" "Expert" "Pro Raider" "king" Lord" "Tits" "Hobo" "Skrub" and have cooler titles be more expensive so something like "Hobo" would be like $500 and something like "Xeno King" would be like 1mil. Custom Title should be an option for 5mil and you can change it any time for free. 3 Maybe Add trails? 4. Maybe add powerful guns for a high price/make the GOOD unboxable weapons buyable from the supplier for a high price. this would make stuff like the disguise kit like 500k and shit. something to spend money on. 5. Make Some of the pills rpable and raise the price slightly. Now I still don't understand the concept of pills if you can rp as the pill your playing as. This is what I get out of it. "hey guys ima zombie, rawr..... ok now what?" so heres what I think. Zombie pills/ monster pills: Must form a group of at least 5 and advert "zombie apocalypse" (or something like that) and can then go on a killing spree until they get killed. Combine: Kill the zombies and protect people. Can assist cops on Cp raids. As for the rest of the pillz I cant really find a use for them so far but I would like to see the above happen. Events Propclimb: Its just fine as it is Survival: Take out the ones where you can die in 5 seconds because its explosive weapons and/or u only can get hit once, cause those are no fun at all. other than that the once that actually take some skill along with luck can stay. Race event: last time I checked its broken, but when its fixed I would love to see different race courses instead just the one. Boss event: needs to not be a square arena, maybe one of the small towns from the survival events could be used cause that would make it cooler. also the only threat in it is the op combine, otherwise its easy. honestly I don't mind if it takes many more waves but nerf the combine, its not fun if they do THAT much damage. also take off the team killing, ive been trolled sooo many times. Defend the bank: Its a shit event cause everybody just guards it and if you lucky you will get a shipment if nobody else gets it before you. not worth an event token or 1mil at all. Golden printer: its fine but if somebody started it, it should give that person and extra 1mil throughout its life since it only pays out 750k and takes 1mil to start it. KOTH: Its a good event but it should NOT pay out 5mil to the winner sometimes. or at least if it does, make all the other events have a chance to payout that 5mil too. Gangs They are pretty broken and should honestly be removed. Vip jobs I think that the fact that some of the vip jobs need a vote before becoming the job is bs. cause sometimes that means that u never get to be the job that u grinded/paid 5$ to get access too! Like the swat sniper and the terrorist, they shouldn't need votes as vip jobs, but that's just me. Well I hope that was something worth reading to some of you and others are prob thinking why the fuck did I waste my time reading this but I hope this sheds some light on my thinking. I'll do one on each individual job if you guys want a shitty sequel to this. anyways later.
  3. I honestly think Downtown altered deserves a try. and I know this is going to be shot down by sugar or other people as soon as I post this but I might as well try cause I still have freedom of press. Reason #1. It CONTAINS the ORGINAL MAP and only EXTENDS IT. about 90-95% of the original map is STILL their on altered. the only difference is the pd, the bank, and a few buildings that nobody really uses anyway. Reason #2. Sooo Many jobs would fit perfectly on the map. There is a church for the preacher, there are actualy parking lots for cars, the mayor has a court house, there is an actual bank, there is a lake for a moster vs hunters job possibly, and there are more buildings made out of space that wasn't used before. (one example being the hospital at suburbs. Reason #3 I believe that if the people who want the map play everyday and populate the server, more people will come. and even if current players don't like the map (which I have no idea why they wouldn't) they still wouldn't want to lose their time invested into the server. Now I understand what some of u negative people are going to say and ive heard enough of it, * "its not downtown": Well yes it is, its the same map just extended with new buildings that barely change the original map. * "Map changes have always failed in the past" : I know but those were huge changes that changed the map completely, downtown altered is THE SAME MAP, with a few extensions to lighten up the scenery. * "Even Map Variants have failed" well yea cuase those map variants changed like 50% of the map so new players didn't know it and like I said, altered only changes like 5-10% of the old map, so I don't think a new player is gonna hate the map. * "Boxean you will never learn, it WILL fail" : yea well you know what, after all that reasoning you will never know unless you try cause like I said "ITS THE SAME FUCKING MAP" the only difference is that buildings were added to it without removing any of the old ones. Also based on the poll we have AT LEAST 16 people that DO want a map change, Which means we have at least 16 people that will play on the server regularly. so if u add it up I can see about 10-15 people on at slow hours and 25-30 people on at peak hours (I did some probability calculations). So the only reason to disagree with me is if ur THAT SCARED of a playerbase drop, or if u just really hate cooler maps than downtown.
  4. Emm i dont like that... yea I just found out that's not how dark rp servers work so it wouldn't work.
  5. I guess that makes sense but I don't think sugar would run 2 dark rp servers at once, personally I would only stick to changing the current server's map and carrying everything over.
  6. Ok so if I paid 45$ for sugar to make a new serve and change it to downtown altered, who would play that server over the current one. Vote on the poll, also if you don't wanna play downtown altered but you wanna play a different map leave a reply.
  7. That split is why I said its an invalid offer, he would have to switch the current server to the other map otherwise people would just stick to what they know, even though they might have loved the new map. people are just afraid to try new things in life which is why I said you gotta force them to try it. that my point. they might love it but they will never try it unless you force it upon them. So I WILL take that offer IF the current server gets a map change and not making a new one cause like sugar said, the server magically repopulated when there was a switch back so no lethal harm to the server will happen. and if sugar is right, then he makes 45$.and if I'm right then I get a refund and a new map. so its a win-win either way.
  8. Ok since nobody will listen to me about why I think we should experiment with map changes I gotta post it on the forums. EVERYONE says a map change is a bad idea but the thing is, newbs don't know if they will like the map or not. even if they would love the map they don't know it so sugar's offer is always going to fail. so if we force a map change on people then see what happens then you would know for sure they don't like it. like think of it like trying new foods. you can either go for the food that u know is alright or u can try the new food that u will either love or hate. obviously u you go for the one u know is ok. but if you force someone to try the other option u will absolutely know if they will like it or hate it. so if a newbie likes the new map they got forced to play then u should keep it and boom we finally have a new map. if they hate it then switch back. and by not experimenting you will always have the same boring map and if we don't find a new map we don't find one but there is always a chance that there will be a map that's better then the shit one we have and people will play it. also the map I want (downtown altered) is the SAME FUCKING MAP, with a few extentions that make the map bigger while only changing the original A LITTLE BIT. So by creating a new server people will only go to the map they know even if they would've loved the new map and would think the old map is shit. that what I'm trying to say. only once you have tried all variants or all maps that would fit our servers population can you say that a map change will 100% decrease the server population. Otherwise even though the new map would've thrived, they wont join it cause the "alright" version of the map is still available. So every once in a while you should still try a new map to see if people like it or not. if it dies cross it off the list of maps you would like to try to change to and so on. so once you know for sure that all the maps to change to are a bad idea then you can say no map changes. otherwise there is still a chance that people would like the new map . You also said that once you switched back to downtown, the server population peaked again so there is no long term damage to the server so there is no lethal harm in changing maps. So in conclusion: if someone suggests a map that u know failed, say no cause u already know that people don't like it. And If someone suggests a map that u haven't experimented with yet, give it a try cause like you said, when u switched back the server population refilled itself like it never even happened. And if some of you still disagree with me give me a very detailed explanation why.
  9. GUYS I FOUND A SOLUTION. if we cant have a new map then why not an updated version of the one we have. This is downtown rp altered. It contains the ORGINAL MAP so newbs wont leave. It has an actual bank, bigger pd, and its got a cooler cinema. there is also a 2 parking lots for cars and more ways of getting around. there is a cool lake for maybe a monster job and a hunter job? who knows. also there is a church for the preacher to fuck around with. SUGAR PLZ MAKE THIS A THING FOR THE SAKE OF A NEW MAP. The map would need to be fixed for some thing like where to put vendors or where to put the spawn boundries and shit but other than that its beautiful, guys lemme know what u think. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=399430598&searchtext=downtown
  10. In My Opinion A Map Change Is Much Needed, All Reasons are very valid and true Ok As Much as All of the people who have a forum account would love to get a new map over the shit map known as downtown rp_v4 or (or whatever the current map is called). I think we can all agree that we want a new map however even though the forum users want a new map that doesn't mean the newbies want a new map and this is what I mean; the forum users are the like 10-20% of the current players on the server meanwhile the rest is newbs that are just starting out and want to play on the current map cause its probably what they know best since most servers and youtube videos feature the current map. so even though the 20% of forum users would be playing, we would prob lose about 60% of the servers playerbase from the newbs that don't wanna learn a new map. Now I hate the current map but the only solution I see is finding a better version of the current map or accepting sugar's offer of giving him the money to run another server with a different map (if you do this your should probably go with evilmelon cause its basically like a big extention to the current map so its somewhat similar so the newbs wont have that hard of a time learning it) and if it doensnt die in a month then he said he would refund you and keep that server up. he also said everything would transfer too. so yea I hope this sums everything up until the next suggestion for a map change comes up. And speaking of another version of the current map, I'm gonna try to find one that isn't too different but is overall much better so i'll keep an eye out for one and post it later on the forums.
  11. Yes But even though that's its purpose, we can still ask for reforms, and the purpose of this post was to see if people liked my ideas for the unboxing system and so far its gotten only 1 to stay the way it is and 5 for change on the poll. And its still going to be fair because the price to unbox would be raised too.
  12. okay lets go down the list of all pills and see what their use in rp could be List of all pills, here is why they can not be used for RP. None: Literally no use, can be abused because some are super small, some are godded. a monster people kill: every every 30 seconds "i was rdmed" cop: would not be able to function on our server with how we have cops setup, the pills only get weapons and are like 2 hit. They can't fine or arrest and cant access pd cause like i said, only have weapons. and they could switch between cop and say a kidnapper with the press of a key. cop lookout: these are actually useful as "cop pets" in a way, my friend follows me as a city scanner when im cop. However some get god mode and could be abused. pet: no harm if you want to literally just walk around as a way to have fun thats on you. yeah but they should make something were if your vip you can use a pill it be annoying for someone to turn into a ballon dog,pigeon,etc and hide/fly Ok so this is what I meant by let us rp as the pills and how I'm gonna counter argument some of these. Combine, manhack, and all of those that fall under combine items would only help police raids on people with illegal items. As for the pills that would kill people, paying 50k each to play terrorist on a weak as fuck zombie class doesn't look that bad to me and like I said it wont be spammed that much cause it gets expensive even for me. as for the god mode pills and small hit box, and the vip event thing, wont that happen anyway? like if I was a pidgeon and I became the vip than that will happen either way, rp as the pills or not so idk what u meant by that. As for the none classes they should basically just be for fun but u don't rp at all. So I don't know why you guys say I'm not using my head. As for the animal pills they can be premium pets that people can have help them I guess. Also Glaze, Trying something new and murdering people are 2 completely different things. and as I said, I would like to see this happen as an experiment and if it goes bad we don't use it. And if we do end up using this idea sugar could make rules for it. Soo I hope that clears some things up
  13. Personally I think You should be able to rp as the pill you become. If you cant Rp as a pill then whats the point of becoming one? Like your not allowed to do anything now. So This is how I think it should be and you guys let me know what you think. 1. you can rp as the pill you become. So Combine would play as a cop for that life, zombies go around killing people, and ect. 2. You cant Raid, mug, or kidnap as a pill. 3. Pills would be EXPENSIVE since you CAN rp as them. This way people with money finally have something to do when they are bored. So for a zombie pill as an example, you would pay like 50k to be kos able and be allowed to go and kill people. For a Poison zombie? maybe like 100k. So nobody will want to spam this either. (peaceful pills like the pidgeon should stay relatively cheap since u only fly around) 4. And Even if this turns into cancer and/or gets abused, IT CAN ALWAYS BE REMOVED/CHANGED IF SOMEONE COMPLAINS 5. So after my shit job of trying to get this added why not give it a try?
  14. Unboxing is kinda shit right now, and nobody really unboxes unless they can do like 100 unboxes to try to get 1 or 2 purples. And you know unboxing is shit when a BRICK and a P99 is considered a pink. So I got 2 solutions to this problem. Idea 1: 1st Remove the weapon modifier job. 2nd, transfer all the weapon tiers into the unbox system, so common weapons would be blue, uncommon would be pink, epics would be purples, and legendary would be gold. (you can keep the $ prizes in the system too along with the event token). 3rd, make the total price of unboxing like 5k, so you lose $ if u get a blue but win a little when u get pink. Idea 2: 1st Make Blues useful weapons like how it was when the system first came out. Make pinks powerful weapons like the bulk cannon, spiderman gun awp assimov (srsly awp assimov isn't THAT good to deserve the purple tier in unboxing) and stealth camo's and stuff. (stealth camo also doesn't really deserve the purple title) Purples and golds should be more or less the same. 2nd the rates could be the same but make purples slightly more common and blues slightly more common. and 3rd, make the price to unbox around 5k cause you are getting something useful now. Anyways Guys Please Vote and hopefully we get reforms!
  15. Just Felt Like it needed a push, I really like this idea. And yes the Payout would be THAT much because its supposed to be THAT hard. Like trying to solo a destiny raid hard.
  16. Quality of life. Priority: Low Description: I tried to sell some rocks today after mining for a while and when trying to sell the rocks the attachment vendors scroll to choose attachment got in the way and I was unable to sell my ore. I also accidentally bought some attachments by accident when trying to get around this. How to recreate: go up to the general buyer and try to sell rocks. The Attachment vendor should pop up to try to sell you attachments.
  17. I like the idea of co-op events if that were to happen just how you said it the over all reward given could be up to 54 million(this did factor in the cost to make) just for spending 5 million, this would break the economy. Yea But It Would be THAT hard for the payout to be that much is what the point of it is. It would be like trying to solo a destiny raid.
  18. For the Massive Boss Battle Event idea, How about the whole server Has to Fight it and it costs 5mil to start. It would bring everyone to admin zone and everyone gets 1 life. And if the people beat the boss, everyone who participated (whether u survived till the end or not) gets 1mil, and the person who started the event gets 10mil (since they risked losing their money). But the Event Should be REALLY Hard to win. After The boss is defeated once, it levels up and becomes even harder to beat the next time. This would be cool because it would be the 1st co-op event and everyone benefits if they win.
  19. This might be the money hoarder side of me but I think the investment bank needs to be buffed. After using it for 3 hours straight and a 100k deposite, I only made 100k. And that just seems really low to me, considering I gotta rely on the bank manager to keep it safe/ and rely on him to stay on the server and not just leave. Now you don't need to buff the rates themself but I think the max deposite should be buffed to 1mil. this way its a bigger risk that some people wont take, and so it doesn't take 10 hours to actually make some decent $. Because seriously, its probably the riskiest thing on the server now, so if I win I want some decent $. It also makes it better for the heisters who have to beat the hoards of CC's to get too the bank vault, soo if they do actually win then the reward is worth the tools it takes to break in. Also bring back penny stocks for the poorer people who want to use stocks. I made my money off them by buying BILLIONS of them and watching them go up by 1 cent. that way I would make like 10mil. but with the 100k limit, penny stock are pretty much shit to me, but poor people deserve to buy them. 1 more thing, I'm still waiting for salaries to be brought back. make them every 15 minutes just like the bank or something. that way when a salary is payed out, people who invested in the bank know that their money went up. Thank you for your time sugar, and keep up the amazing work.
  20. Ok So I'm very angry this morning cause everyone has been fucking with me sooo in this post I'm gonna talk about all the things that REALLY bother me on the server right now. So before this post gets neglected because the next page is almost here please consider these things. 1. The Defend the bank event is total BS. All it does it let u rob the bank for no special prize and its just not fun. Please remove it from the event cycle. And you don't even get anything extra its just a regular bank raid that anyone can take part in so its just cancer. 2. The weapon modifier job NEEDS to be removed/changed. All they do is run around leaving people with 1 hp and if someone tries to fight back they are a 1 hit kill. And I think the job is not even needed. Just redo the unboxing system and add the upgraded weapons to that. It makes sense common=blue, uncommon=pink, epic = purple, and legendary = gold. 3 Speaking of unboxing, if u neglected my post yesterday, its total shit right now. Not only is it not worth unboxing cause u will ALWAYS get trash, its take YEARS to open. Please take idea 2 into consideration and please fix the speed cause NOBODY unboxes anymore unless they are THAT bored. 4.Let the General buyer buy ANY AND ALL weapons. I need inventory space but I don't wanna just trash the 3 mil in regular weapons I have. and nobody will buy them either so its like da fuck do I do with them? 5. (this isn't really something I hate but I think it should be this instead.) The bounty hunter job is nothing like it is IRL. I think there should be up to 4 bounty hunters at 1 time and they can kos anyone with a bounty at all times. none of this go up to a cp and get his bounty list shit. ANd irl bounty is just whoever gets this guys head first gets the prize. Makes sense yes? 6. NONE OF THE STAFF ENFORCE THE OVERFINING=A BAN RULE. I HAVE BEEN OVERFINED SOOOOO FUCKING MUCH AND STAFF ARE JUST LIKE whatever man i'll give him a warn. NO, U GOTTA BAN THE FUCKER. (this one pisses me off the most) 7. Printers And Bitmers Are Complete Shit. There Is literally no point in buying a cheap or auto printers cause ur only gonna make like 3k after playing 5 hours. Whever I use bitminers I only lose money cause there total shit and overpriced. And the multi printer is ok but still needs a major buff. The Only Reason to make a base these days is to opium farm or proccess weapons. SO Before this Gets neglected and if u want to help out, don't type +1 for this. Go and Tell Sugar. Only +1 this if the next page starts and I need it to be brought up on that page, cause everyone only looks at the lastest post right? SO Please Take these into consideration and we can make Tits RP Great Again! P.S I will Prob Repost this if I gets neglected.
  21. On the topic of banks, there should be a dedicated bank base over the PD. You rob a bank for money, rob PD for weapons. Add a banker job with like 3 slots and make them legally print if they are in bank. Design a system where banker buys a box, people made a deposit in the bank with a cap of some sort and they get a bonus of like .3% every salary. If you really wanna make it more interesting, make it so there's a chance of gaining a special item through this system to give players a reason on top of money to deposit. The raiders could raid the bank and gain all money from all of the deposits, but anyone in the govt or with a deposit is notified about the raid as soon as he picks a door in the base who can then go and defend their money. If bank is raided, demote banker for failing to protect the money. I actually like this idea over mine soo +1
  22. So Being the money Horder I am I have an idea to make money that's even riskier than stocks. A savings account bank system. Soo it would work like this, You deposite your money and every hour or so, you get a 1% interest on your deposite. Soo for those of you who are like da fuck does that mean, i'll give an example. say u put 100$ in the bank. then you get 1% interest. you now have 101% in the bank. And then 1 hour later you get another 1% so you would now have $102.01 and so on. The catch is this. People can rob the bank for 10% of all the money inside it. And the leftover 90% would just be destroyed by the server. So if there is 2.5mil total in the bank, and someone robs it, they get 250k and the people who invested their money lose all of it. This would be fun for raiders, create a bank security job, and add another way to make money. Plus its done in real life too so its good for rp. Ps. Sugar Add Salaries back, like why did they go away?
  23. Uhmmm, I somewhat agree but I am like 20% with you and 80% against you. Here is why: Unboxing is such a stupid concept in my eyes. I feel like it's a rip-off version of csgo and I feel unboxing in csgo is stupid. I do agree that sugar should add stuff like Event tokens, but not a $10 game. I find it boring buying both the keys and create then spam the open creat button. That is more of a preference towards me, but the whole point of darkrp is to role play as best you can. I don't see people in real life, opening creates. I think how getting creates should work is like the parcel system; however you are finding real players on the server. To me, I feel that encourages interaction. All of these bullet points are my opinions and suggestions People Irl Open crates all the time. The biggest example would be loot crate.com, once a month members would get a loot crate full of cool stuff. And the free 10$ was part of the unboxing system at one point soo that's up to sugar. For those of you who haven't seen my post, its on page 91.
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