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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


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  1. BUG Today while playing a boss battle,my freinds said that they couldn't see the combine but were getting shot,i went into admin land to check it out,and it appears that some of the enemy's are spawning outside of the arena,therefore they can not finish the event. Here are some screenshots. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=786739626 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=786739876 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=786740047 Priority:High
  2. I would love to see the SAME server but with this map becuase it makes ALOT of job's actually have good use and meaning This would be a GREAT idea becuase it actually put's a GREAT job for medic's,cops,and a ACTUAL bank that way the Bank manager would have a defualt building to use.It would also make the server WAY better in general. I vote YES for this.
  3. In My Opinion A Map Change Is Much Needed, All Reasons are very valid and true Here we go.... Another group of people want a map change.... Every time we switch the map, it destroys our player base. Sugar has said multiple times that he is not going to switch the map based on previous experiences. It's good to see recent players suggesting a map change again. <- This happens once or twice a month Cullen,you didnt even read the whole thing,becuase i touched on player base,and how i could improve.
  4. Well,here goes my EXTREMELY THOUGHT OUT and ORGANIZED plan for a...Now hold on,before i begin,and this goes for Sugar,and everyone else who has a locked down thought on this idea,i have compiled a GIANT list of plan's,reason's,and many thing's that will support my idea,along with some critical problems this idea would FIX in the server.Now please,Sugar,and the rest of the community,please,really read and think about everything i am saying today,and give it some SERIOUS thought. Ok,today,i am suggesting a MAP CHANGE Now,i know what EVERYONE is thinking,"Sugar said no more map changes as it drops player base" BUT GUESS WHAT,with this map and idea's,might make the server even a little BETTER. So dont loose your shit just yet,take a look at all the information i have organized for you today. Ok so here is a small video i made of the map,this is not all of the map by any means,there are lots more of the map to explore,including underground tunnels! But anyway,here is the video,sorry about the ending credits,standard youtube outro i had XD Link:https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxVmpjZ3nqkia3ZZeU5xYy1COFU So as you can see,the video shows alot of the map and some places you can go,witch,you have to admit,the map looks truely incredible So now i will list reason's on how it could help better the server,elements it could improve by A LONG SHOT,and some other things. It would make the Hitman and Assassin jobs 100 times better by adding more stealth areas to kill targets,long range skill would improve and add more realism and intensity to taking out target's.It would also make players actually have to search hard to find target's,instead of saying"Sir,place a hit,thank's" and then grabbing a master sword,taking 3 minutes to go around the whole map and find them.You would actually have to look around,do some recon work,and find the target. This map gives the opportunity to add Air vehicles and more realistic vehicles and such to the server for better RP,realism,travel,etc. This map add's WAY more space for events,because you could have some parts of the map for better events becuase there is A TON of space and unique areas for events. This map allows for MANY people to build big bases,without running out of room.It also makes it to were players could get creative,as there are MANY unique areas of the map for building and RPing,such as giant hill-side's,castles,city,underground and much,MUCH more. This map OBVIOUSLY provides more room for player's not feeling so bunched up and in a giant cluster. The map is very clean,sleek,and all the areas that are in-acessable are very cleverly blocked off and nicely done The map is very unique and would give players a chance to play something other the classic "downtown" map almost every server uses. This map has alot of nice areas that could be used for the "spawn" to be created. This map has a HUGE skybox,making it easy for possible air vehicles to be used without crashing into the top of the map. This map has quite a bit of area's for "gang" or team bases to be created. This map has a few nice places for the PD to be placed. This map has some great area's to replicate the "global harvest zone" in the mountains or hillsides. This map allows for some very good fun and RP The map has some secret areas for those who enjoy exploring The map allows for ALOT of new features to be added,witch if this map actually gets used,i have some great suggestions already planned out The map not ONLY has normal houses,but some lake houses,castle,military base,etc,for WAY more extensive and free options to build,or play how YOU want. Now im sure i could list some more,but this gives you general idea of the amazing possibility's and role play this map offer's Yes Sugar,im aware you always say no,but please,think it out FOR REAL,and i think that ALMOST everyone is a little,if not completely bored of this map. Yea,its fun and all,and yea people have dupes for it,but its so small,and everyone knows were everything is,its hard to build and play how you REALLY want to,and people can explore the map in literately less then 5 MINUTES. And think about it,Sugar,you KNOW that is getting a little bit difficult to add more content to the server,because you running out of ROOM AND IDEA'S that actually is DECENT content that players would enjoy,and you,and everyone else knows its true aswell. Besides,if the map wasent a big hit,you could just switch it back. Sugar,your a AMAZING server owner,i know you can do it,just think about it,i listed so many GOOD and VALID reasons Like i said,think about how many great possibilities this map could unlock for you,WAY more content,and more! REALLY think it out please. And everyone else,i want to hear your opinions on my idea,and what you think about it! And the map is called gm_fork Also credit to Puggy for helping me create some parts of the video.
  5. It's sad to see you go dude. But dont worry,you will not be forgotten by any means. Good luck out there,be careful dude. -Harley
  6. Sugar has stated that there will never be a map change,as it would cause a mass loss of players AND player intrest. Although i am working on a plan for a suggestion that is going to take some time. I actually love this idea,do this and use my idea and it would be material-mania up in here!
  7. Hey Sugar! I have a cool,yet simple suggestion for the server. Me and Puggy found a rather nice add-on that we would love to see added! have took some screenshot's of it,and i think you will enjoy the last one The add-on is a simple material pack. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=594508396 I would love to see these added as they are a small,simple,yet cool add-on.Here are some screenshots. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=777663807 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=777663856 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=777663908 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=777663950 And finnaly the special one for all the lad's including myself http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=777664019 These are not all the materials in the pack,but you can see there is quite and cool and interesting collection. Please add this! Thanks
  8. Hey Sugar! I have a cool,yet simple suggestion for the server. Me and Puggy found a rather nice add-on that we would love to see added! have took some screenshot's of it,and i think you will enjoy the last one ;) The add-on is a simple material pack. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=594508396 I would love to see these added as they are a small,simple,yet cool add-on.Here are some screenshots. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=777663807 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=777663856 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=777663908 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=777663950 And finnaly the special one for all the lad's including myself ;) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=777664019 These are not all the materials in the pack,but you can see there is quite and cool and interesting collection. Please add this! Thanks
  9. Bug Description:Im not sure how to do it but me and a few others were in the event and we were still alive and it said we all died,and the arena disappeared and we were still in Admin land.We could then INVENTORY the weapons(Para,AK47,RPG,etc) How to reproduce:Im not sure,but this still need to be fixed. Priority:High
  10. Sugar the being able to see the VIP at all time's also makes it very abusable.I know i have said this alot,but im trying to get the point across that this is a Jr.King of the hill.
  11. This is a great idea,also i have something to add to it,you shouldonly be able to see the VIP for a short time,then it goes away,becuase as if now,the VIP being able to be seen all the time until death,its so easy to abuse the VIP just like King of the hill
  12. Not only is this annoying,but sugar removed King of the hill being able to be purchased so people couldent abuse it,but since you can see the VIP,you can EAISLY abuse VIP aswell.
  13. I have already mentioned this but think i should push it becuase it would be a cool idea. Add in the prone add-on(laying down) of course. I think that it would make raid's a litte more intense and interesting. People could make some cool bases and integrate it in to raids. I also think that it would make being a Hitman or Assassin look and feel more like a actual Hitman/Assassin. For example,maybey a Hitman has a hit on a player,he can integrate he prone into RP so he lay's on a roof in order to get a more tactical view. It would just be very cool in general. I have this add-on and i neer experience lag or FPS drops.I also used to play in a MillitaryRP that had over 70 player's on at a time and never experienced FPS drop's or lag,just in case some were wondering. I think though this would be a small add-on,it would be a huge hit and be super cool to have.
  14. Well,today marks the day Narf is gone. And we held a very nice funeral for him :( #DicksoutforNarf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=762241662 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=762240380 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=762240324 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=762245370 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video Credit to Glaze
  15. Massive fps drops look cool to you? The addon is just several more think hooks and a complicated animation. The same thing was said when we were thinking about adding in CW 2.0, guess what, it didn't reduce FPS for anybody. Not only would the prone addon look cool, but it would make it so that these effortless dumbass crouch bases are a bit easier to raid. I say an addon that makes you ''Downed'' Before death would be cool, a mate helping you up on a party raid would be awesome, it would have to be limited to only 1 revive though. *1 revive per life. Like, turn the mechanics into some sort of Rainbow Six Siege, where you get killed by 1 single headshot, doesnt matter the weapon, and the body shots kill you in 2-3 shots. If anything armor should be fully removed in my honest opinion, I'd love some sort of realistic combat in DarkRP. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=609567300 See,fragtrap's got it!
  16. I have had the prone addon and i never experience lag or FPS drops and i have seen server's have it and never lag.Not sure why it would lag.
  17. I think you should add in prone(laying down,of course) I think it would be really cool for hitmans and such to be more hidden. Also cool in general. Make raid's cooler too.
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