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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by chud

  1. Hi, so i've been trying to get my models added back to the server for a while and I've been unsuccessful so far. I've been trying to have them added back since February 11th of this year. I have three models that are missing right now. The first being my tragic model which was a 60 Dollar Model, the second being my vergil model which was 30 dollars and the last being my zoidberg model, which was also 30 dollars. I'm making this thread mainly for some help to see if I can get my models added back to the server. I have been playing regularly. I checked my gametracker and the last time I checked it, I was at 69.5 hours in the past week. I've sent a lot of messages to rubik trying to discuss them but i've really not had a lot of help or explanation. I've seen people getting models and other custom content added left and right so it is a little frustrating for me to not be able to use the $120 worth of models that I added. 

    • Failfish 1
  2. Just now, Cobaselic said:

    Walter does this quite a bit. The same response is given if you say something that he doesn't like or agree with "wow that's a good shitpost, I almost thought you were serious.". 


    You wanna talk about bias? I got banned from the discord for pointing out that racism isn't allowed. Walter the Assaulter literally said in gen chat "I hate blacks", then said that only racial slurs aren't allowed, and I get banned for telling them racism isn't allowed. I have since been unbanned thankfully, but still. That should have never happened in the first place.


    On top of that, Doc told me that my concerns about racism in game night have been solved. The same day, I get a message from abstergo calling me a "piss baby" and complaining that I had said something. So, when their ability to be racist gets taken, he decides to come at me like that's an issue?


    Kilo gets banned for posting something in another discord, but fuel can invite half the server to his discord and call them the n-word? How come when fuel does something it's "we can't punish for something outside of our discord" but in kilo's case he was banned?


    Not only is there a gang mentality within the team, there is clear bias. It's sad to see, and I would love to say that it'll get better, but contrary to what Abstergo said, it isn't getting better. 


    • Haha 1
    • Angry -1 1
    • thumbdown -1 1


    Fuel, I've heard you say some really stupid things but this takes the cake. The taxing is fine as is. Trust me, one day I started with 840m and ended it with 837m even though i was running procs.

  4. Category:

    Quality of Life




    In this spot in the sewer theres an error in the map

    How to reproduce:

    just go to this (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2324708587) spot������� as far as i know, its immidiately apparent what's wrong, its an easy fix. Here's a pic of the bug itself: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2324708425
    • Like 1
  5. [ Neutral ] 

    Overall I like the idea, but only if the person in question has actually learned from their history and has changed completely. A great example of this is Alexios, he used to be really toxic and mingey but has grown up and changed a lot. I don't think this should be added to the server though, I'm sorry.


  6. [-1]

    This just soundThis is not something that should be added to the server in my opinions like something that every basic icefuse clone server has. It would serve no purpose whatsoever and would do nothing aside from making titsrp more similar to every other server on the server list. 

    • Like 1
  7. [+1]

    Overall I completely agree with this suggestion and think that all of those suggestions would improve the server. The only one I'm not quite sure about is the bit about being able to use weapons while jetpacking, I think that this would ultimately result in a bunch of terrorists flying around shooting people with people having no real means of defending against them.

  8. 2 hours ago, Blue. said:

    Keep in mind, said rando can come back as often as they feel, and in the end, I often die to swarms of angry players

    I have a suggestion for your suggestion. Just get good. No but in all seriousness that does sound like a massive pain in the ass, i'm gonna change my neutral to a +1

  9. [ +1 For Most ]

    I do like some of these ideas, but I feel as though some of them aren't really needed.

    For the first suggestion, I don't think this should be added, being killed by a rando is part of the risk you take while having a terror attack.

    Suggestion #2 actually does kind of make sense, I support it.

    For the second suggestion, I completely support this one, I've seen a few people loophole by going to the island and hiding in one of the shipping containers lol.

    For the third, considering how small the clip size is on an sbc cannon, I think this would be a good fit for the class overall, it would definitely make terrorist a more fun job.

    Last but not least, the fourth suggestion, no, don't remove the ak from the class, it's kind of a staple when it comes to a terrorist job, I can't see removing it doing any good.


    For the holidays i'm probably not going to do much aside from spend time with my dad. I deserve this rank because I can't afford it but I play the server all day every day pretty much lol

    if i do win, i would like suga rather than the rank

    My SteamID: STEAM_0:1:450706428

  11. [ -1 ] 

    I don't think that there should be more slots on the job, I think if anything there should be an auto demote on arrest and a short cooldown afterwards that will prevent players from getting right back on it, so that other players will have a chance to play it and have fun with it. 

  12. [ +1 ]

    These are all really good suggestions, most of which I feel should be included in the upcoming Quality of life update. Also, please fix the issue with vinny being invisible, sometimes when there's jaywalking laws and i'm walking by him I can't see him and don't know why I can't go forward and have to go on to the road to get around him and it gets me fined lol. Boombox logs are a great idea as well, if it's something that's possible to do. Hackers should be able to hack the doors open as well since it's an electronic type of thing yk 😄

  13. 38 minutes ago, HIDDEN said:

    I'm -1 for this suggestion because of a couple of reasons, 1.) even though the /size command displaces the hitbox, it doesn't actually reduce the size, this is why it can be hard to hit pets when they're small because the hitbox between their legs is way lower and in the ground halve the time, however it's still the same size (this is why sometimes you can shoot through a tall person using /size). 2.) the Holy Hand Grenade item was added for this exact purpose it resets size, food, custom model, etc. 3.) I've seen some of the enchanted weapons and SBC cannons you have, if you're unable to raid a weird or stupid job (the only jobs that can use /size) while you're on a cc then that's on you.

    Having to use a holy hand grenade during a raid counts as having to use special raiding tools during btw Players should not have to have op leggies and holy hand grenades to raid. This issue doesn't just affect me, it affects other players as well.

  14. My Suggestion;

    I think that people using the /size command to make themselves smaller should not be allowed to base. CC models that have a small hitbox already can't raid/base so I think that people using /size should also not be allowed to raid or base. It's kind of annoying to use your raiding tools on a base just to have someone with a tiny hitbox to run out while they're using a leggy and speed food lol. The video that I've included in this post pretty much sums it up. It would be as easy as including a line under the basing section in the MOTD that says "You may not base while using the /size command to make yourself smaller. This is considered failrp" or something similar.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my suggestion. 😄

    the aforementioned video can be found here

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