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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by chud

  1. 10 hours ago, Slick said:

    Do you really want people getting on the server adverting "Selling DarkRP for paypal" as quickly as staff let them get away with for three+ hours every day? Because that is what we got when we allowed selling of DarkRP cash for IRL currency.

    yes, that is what we want, so give it to us

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  2. 25 minutes ago, etgoro said:

    I agree that rp is not a main thing on the server. but everyday I have been rping as a lawyer I have had at least 10-20 great rp interactions and conversations. maybe people didn’t play it when it was first added but if there was some actual use for it and the court like I’m suggesting than I think a lot more would use it.

    protip: make a cc called "Lawyer". thank me later.

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  3. 5 hours ago, HIDDEN said:

    personally I think they'll still complain about balance, raiding, etc but some people will be making money while they do it, I don't think allowing people to sell money will cause a RADICAL CHANGE IN THE META like there will still be like only 3 bases but those 3 bases will still have like 10 full printer racks, the only change would be those 3 bases will now be selling their profits and be more encouraged to raid new players or bad players like me to get more cash to sell

    i think you’re wrong 

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  4. 24 minutes ago, HIDDEN said:

    im pretty sure that the max player count was more so corona's doing rather than basing being the greatest thing ever, basing has always been scuffed and as far as I can remember people have been complaining about the "no incentive to base" since 2018 but it's inevitable, there just isn't enough content to sustain you when you base for an entire week straight

    wouldn’t being able to sell shit for irl help alleviate the thing that you claim people have been complaining about since 2018

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