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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by chud

  1. Just now, ShardMario said:

    Weird how in the video you can clearly see how the body is being shot when your shots aren't legitimately missing the model by multiple inches. Once again, skill issue for anyone complaining. Animations will not affect the hitbox. Please do post a clip of it CLEARLY affecting the hitbox, and this will end the argument. All you have posted is a clip showing the skill level of a cop main.


  2. Just now, Easy Mac said:

    If you crouch, your head hitbox is where your head is while crouched. Very obvious. If you crouch while dance shooting, your head hitbox is at your hip when your head never changes position in the animation. Think with your brain, it Isn't very hard.

    Actually, you know what, moving changes where your hitbox is, so lets make moving not allowed either

  3. Just now, Easy Mac said:

    Crouching and jumping are completely RP what do you mean? Having the dance animation bound to your mouse so that you start dancing when you shoot is not RP. That's a shitty argument to have tbh. 

    But it messes with your hitbox? Didn't you just say that stuff that messes with hitboxes shouldnt be allowed?

  4. Just now, Easy Mac said:

    "Hardly even". If it messes with the hitbox at all it shouldn't be used. But if it doesn't give you much of an advantage and it's just a cosmetic thing, then saying it isn't allowed shouldn't be a big deal right? 

    Okay, then lets remove crouching and jumping.

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  5. Hi, I've said this before and I'll say it again. If you can't hit someone while they're dancing then you couldn't hit someone if they were standing still. This is an easy thing to set up and everyone can do it. It doesn't give anyone an unfair advantage and it hardly even messes with hitboxes. In my opinion this bind is more cosmetic in nature than anything. This changes absolutely nothing about how pvp works on tits. It's one thing to spam opium and cocaine and become the size of an ant with the speed of a bullet, but it's another to have moving arms while you're shooting at someone. Crouching and jumping messes with hitboxes much much more than dance commands ever could. So why don't we remove crouching and jumping?

  6. Just now, SMPL | JailBREAD said:

    I am also dogshit at aiming

    This is why you're having issues hitting people in the rdm zone. not because of the models. I've never had any issue killing anime playermodels. I also don't really get what you mean when you're talking about loadouts. Sometimes i'll get a c4 or something but that's only happened to me once or twice, I don't really see it as a huge issue

  7. Just now, Canami said:

    So when I arrested Tass, he instantly got Unarrested in less then a second from prison. I just wanted to ask what talent, level, or etc. does that.

    I believe it's the slippery snake gang talent but i'm not entirely sure.

  8. On 3/22/2021 at 6:29 PM, 1-800-Suicide said:

    stack to any direction, remove the fading door prop then stack in the opposite direction then remove the temporary prop

    this. you don't need some kind of special tool to fix this issue

  9. I am suggesting that a reply feature is added to the !p or /pm chat functions. That way you don't have to type you !pm (player) every time you want to reply to a pm. Something like /r or !r and it just replies to the most recent pm that you've gotten would be nice. 

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