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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Karmahunter

  1. > he Also, this post is too lewd. Pantsu are a sacred objective and should never be shown to the public.
  2. You mean reduce recoils on all smgs? I hope you mean reduce recoil... LOL but do you mean the new m9k smgs? their recoil is fine No, i'm talking about custom smgs, like the Kriss Vector literally flying up as much as my LMG does, which is silly. I can get maybe 3 bullets in a good grouping before it flys off into space
  3. remove recoil asap my smgs should not fly up like a light machine gun
  4. It's not fda if you're lockpicking their shooting window, it's just kind of obvious you should attempt another way.
  5. This base doesn't seem to be all that wrong to me. Sure, it's tough. but not unraidable by any means. And it's not fade door abuse as long as you use a button.
  6. Communist lizard might have a panic attack if his gun gets out anymore
  7. Can we add a Cat/Kitten class that is permanently at war with Doge, I think it'd be quite fun and add on to our stupid jobs.
  8. Description:If you slap someone while they're playing chess, it deletes the chess table. How to reproduce:Slap someone playing chess Priority: (High, Medium, Low) Low/Medium (I love me some chess.)
  9. I assume you'll be locking their weapon to something right? I'd hate to see master sword's dominating the course. It should be fair to all.
  10. Happens consistently everytime after one turn. Fix please, chess is one of my favorite games to challenge these nerds to, It's also not just one table doing it aswell. We tried both.
  11. Yeah, it sometimes just straight up tells me something is creating script errors when I try to open a file, and right now I can't even copy one prop. [ERROR] addons/advdupe2-master/lua/advdupe2/cl_networking.lua:190: attempt to index a nil value 1. LoadGhosts - addons/advdupe2-master/lua/advdupe2/cl_networking.lua:190 2. Function - addons/advdupe2-master/lua/advdupe2/cl_networking.lua:283 3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/usermessage.lua:87 That's the error I get when it says something is creating script errors.
  12. I've tried every dupe I have, and it always just says "Dupe is busy" And i'm not spamming it or anything I only did that for the screenshot to get a picture of what it says. I always right click and click "Open" once and it gives me that message, even on a fresh restart of the game it still does it.
  13. Bug Description: Trying to open a file in my advanced duplicator comes up with "Duplicator is busy!" Or "Already opening that file, please wait!" But reconnecting or verifying my cache doesn't solve the issue. How to reproduce: Apparently just be me and try to open a file in your advanced duplicator Priority: Medium http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=700860108
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