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I appreciate the fix, but can you atleast add this option?

cool guy

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So I became an amphetamine dealer because the rough recipe was extremely cheap, and i was almost done with my batch of the good stuff when suddenly i became a santa out of nowhere. All my materials that i bought as the dealer went RIP and i ended up losing all the money i put (Not a problem, b/c it wasn't a lot). 




Can you please add an option to not become santa randomly? I appreciate that you got it working but this is stupid, having the random chance of losing money shouldn't be a feature. Another way around this would be if you're an amphetamine dealer you cannot become santa


kthxbye bbys

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So I became an amphetamine dealer because the rough recipe was extremely cheap, and i was almost done with my batch of the good stuff when suddenly i became a santa out of nowhere. All my materials that i bought as the dealer went RIP and i ended up losing all the money i put (Not a problem, b/c it wasn't a lot). 




Can you please add an option to not become santa randomly? I appreciate that you got it working but this is stupid, having the random chance of losing money shouldn't be a feature. Another way around this would be if you're an amphetamine dealer you cannot become santa


kthxbye bbys


Ahahahaha I actually did think about this but I never did anything about this. I will modify it so when the player is chosen to become Santa, it will pop up a derma menu asking if you would like to become him. Plus I will add it so only one person can be Santa at a time and I will also be making it so Santa will have to personalize the presents so no one can just steal your stuff. Thanks for the suggestion!

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some dude banned me cause he said i disrespected hje arrested me for jkwalking when he did it then i said you cant do shit against me and then he banned me and i said i have all the power


According to TS folks,


you were arrested for jwalking. You then yelled it was RDA when Taj had numerous lawboards up saying no jwalking.


You then became SWAT and taunted him saying you can't ban shit and you were going to arrest him for jwalking when he was swat.


Ban is justified.

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