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CC Bugs


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Description: there are 2 different bugs that can occur with CCs and can be quite annoying.

1: On some CCs (more specifically, mine and Baljeet's. I think some other people have this bug but I don't remember their names)  when you try changing the color or name of the cc, it will get reset when the server restarts and you have to keep changing it back every day. (I believe this only occurs on CCs with custom commands, because the only people that have told me they had this bug have a custom command for their CC)



2: Sometimes when you try changing the model pool on your cc it will break and set the only model to be the guerilla model.


How to reproduce:

For the first bug, try changing the name and color of your cc in the cc editor if your cc has a custom command.

For the second bug, change the model pool on your cc a couple times and usually it will get set to only the guerilla model within 1-2 tries.


Priority: Medium

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Cop Model Pool resets at restart as well


first one happens to my cc(s) and I don't have custom cc commands.


Weird, I asked 3 people with CCs that don't have custom commands if they have this issue and they all said their changes saved. If it isn't custom commands then I don't know what could be causing it.

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+1 Also there is another Bug where for some Unknown reason your CC color gets reset, I think 80% of the CCs colors reset at some point while in game


+1 My COP CCs Model also resets upon server resets


NO idea how to replicate it!

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