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Auction House (duplicate suggestion)


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Could be an npc at fountain that function a little similarly to the stocks npc.


Except this would be a great addition based on the fact that it would/could reduce the amount of adverts for stuff people are trying to sell.


An Auction House would be good because people/noobs can see whether or not they're getting scammed or not. (cause could only assume that prices would be listed from cheapest to most expensive)


A good reference auction house would be off of the game Trove. (Ofc it would probably be hard to understand what that looks like cause I don't expect a lot of people actually play this game...)


Either way I would be very hard to explain what I would actually like this to look like. The easiest way would just be to actually see how the Trove auction house looks like/functions unfortunately.

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My only issue with this is that it would take away from what little coded incentive players currently have to interact with eachother.


Idk if anyone's ever watched a new player try to set up and run a gun shop lately, but lemme tell ya. 


It's a little depressing.

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