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joey123 ban appeal

Lil Dick

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Okay so you're telling me that someone with almost the same name, "no mic", brand new to the server, and only had one person in his friends list (himself), just happened to by chance join the server and be his brother? Also I did not record earlier than that when people simply asked him in ooc if how he was unbanned, and he told them to die/suck a chode. That is the reason I wanted incriminating video, not because I wanted to be a perpetrator..

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1 I just gave my brother this account obviously im going to be his friend hes my brother and he doesn't have a mic because hes getting one for Christmas also those words were never typed this is what I said "you actually ban me for "leaving the server so you cant get the money from my printers even though I had to go"  so I said your actually a fag that's all what was said

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Oh wow this got to 4 pages. I won't even read this until the report is in the proper format and everyone stops acting like children (I skimmed through and everyone seems to be very upset). Who ever posted first, update it with the correct template and then PM me and I will re-open it. As for now, this is locked to stop a shitstorm.

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