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joey123 ban appeal

Lil Dick

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I was banned for 4 days because I was a minge even though he followed me for 15 minutes and was running around stalking me and just making  me get mad and of course someone records me getting pissed off but that's not the point the main point is that how is me saying that a admins bad being a minge also I got my banned raised to 7 days because I got off and then my brother went on because hes new and I was just laying on my bed and as a joke he changes his name to joey12345 and I was screaming at him because I was saying that he was going to get himself banned for alting and so my brother doesn't have a mic but I have one so he gets called into a sit about alting and my brothers typing I don't have a mic hold on im getting my brothers (my mic) and right as he says hold on im setting it up because (I have a blue snowball you need to actually calibrate it and shit) but as im helping him calibrate it he gets banned and my banned got raised to 7 days please help

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I was banned for 4 days because I was a minge even though he followed me for 15 minutes and was running around stalking me and just making  me get mad and of course someone records me getting pissed off but that's not the point the main point is that how is me saying that a admins bad being a minge also I got my banned raised to 7 days because I got off and then my brother went on because hes new and I was just laying on my bed and as a joke he changes his name to joey12345 and I was screaming at him because I was saying that he was going to get himself banned for alting and so my brother doesn't have a mic but I have one so he gets called into a sit about alting and my brothers typing I don't have a mic hold on im getting my brothers (my mic) and right as he says hold on im setting it up because (I have a blue snowball you need to actually calibrate it and shit) but as im helping him calibrate it he gets banned and my banned got raised to 7 days please help


some of the admins are completely one sided and ive seen this firsthand this is ridiculous and they should lower your ban or get rid of it completely

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Lil Dick aka joey123 is a friend I made whilst playing this server, he is pretty new to the game and the game type. I've been trying to teach him how to play and pretty much the basics of the game. He is well aware of the server rules and I have made sure that he has read the MOTD. I do not think the ban was appropriate because it lacked an admin sit or any further investigation. I have seen some admin abuse and one sided admin sits so far while playing the server. I do not think the ban was appropriate because the video that was posted only showed some of what went on that night and was extremely one sided and not fair to joey. I especially do not like the fact that the person who reported him and posted the video (blacnova) was also being very much of a minge and was disrespecting me and my friends, making him a hypocrite. We also need to look at that video and ask did any one really get hurt? Did what he said actually offend anyone to the point of feeling sad or depressed? No, I don't think so. With all of this said I think that joey123 at most should of received a warning or at most a one day ban but with the fairness of a full admin sit. So in conclusion I think that joey123's ban should be lifted or should be reduced to 1-2 days at most.

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Lil Dick aka joey123 is a friend I made whilst playing this server, he is pretty new to the game and the game type. I've been trying to teach him how to play and pretty much the basics of the game. He is well aware of the server rules and I have made sure that he has read the MOTD. I do not think the ban was appropriate because it lacked an admin sit or any further investigation. I have seen some admin abuse and one sided admin sits so far while playing the server. I do not think the ban was appropriate because the video that was posted only showed some of what went on that night and was extremely one sided and not fair to joey. I especially do not like the fact that the person who reported him and posted the video (blacnova) was also being very much of a minge and was disrespecting me and my friends, making him a hypocrite. We also need to look at that video and ask did any one really get hurt? Did what he said actually offend anyone to the point of feeling sad or depressed? No, I don't think so. With all of this said I think that joey123 at most should of received a warning or at most a one day ban but with the fairness of a full admin sit. So in conclusion I think that joey123's ban should be lifted or should be reduced to 1-2 days at most.


I literally have no clue who you are, so I could not have been minging you.... I sent this video 

 to Silent Commando who told me to ban the user for 4 days. I did, he then joined the server on another account which I banned for a week, because he used a different account I also proceeded to ban his main for the same amount of time. The messages that joey123 wrote in chat are what led me to spectate him, not because like 10 PEOPLE WERE SCREAMING IN CHAT THAT HE WAS EVADING BAN. He told players who asked in ooc how he got unbanned to go suck a chode plus more.


I would also love to see ANY proof you have me being rude to you, I'm guessing you're the guy who asked in ooc why I banned him, I then proceeded to send you the video in ooc. After watching you asked a question asking what minge means, so I told you it means massively disrespecting players. I NEVER even spoke to you other than that occasion, don't lie.


In addition don't lie, just because I didn't happen to record his ooc messages where he cussed out several of our members, does not mean it did not happen. I'm positive that Sugar can find these messages in the logs, just filter the logs out for the word chode...

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I believe my friend has been estranged in a series of lies that have been perpetrated from a position of power. This administrator clearly has the means to harass my friend, and I can guarantee you that what happened before, that was not recorded was proactive in nature, and unfitting of a staff member. You can see in his voice inflection at the end, and in the way he followed him and pestered him, that he was trying to anger him to evict a response. You can see that he does not even try and engage him in a sit or get a real answer, but simply follows him with the intent of causing rage and finding a reason to administer a ban. My friends and I, long time patrons of this server, would love to be able to play in peace, without people using doctored footage and admin abilities to find ways to get rid of us. Our group has never caused trouble on this server and we believe that we are an integral part of the community. This is an attack on our ethics, our honesty, and our credibility, nothing more. I think the real dilemma here, is that there are admins on this server who would rather single people out and harass them, then do their job and maintain a nice playing environment. I ask that a higher power investigate this and not take the word of this seemingly dubious staff member.


Thank You,

Devonte Nigga

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I believe my friend has been estranged in a series of lies that have been perpetrated from a position of power. This administrator clearly has the means to harass my friend, and I can guarantee you that what happened before, that was not recorded was proactive in nature, and unfitting of a staff member. You can see in his voice inflection at the end, and in the way he followed him and pestered him, that he was trying to anger him to evict a response. You can see that he does not even try and engage him in a sit or get a real answer, but simply follows him with the intent of causing rage and finding a reason to administer a ban. My friends and I, long time patrons of this server, would love to be able to play in peace, without people using doctored footage and admin abilities to find ways to get rid of us. Our group has never caused trouble on this server and we believe that we are an integral part of the community. This is an attack on our ethics, our honesty, and our credibility, nothing more. I think the real dilemma here, is that there are admins on this server who would rather single people out and harass them, then do their job and maintain a nice playing environment. I ask that a higher power investigate this and not take the word of this seemingly dubious staff member.


Thank You,

Devonte Nigga    


Preach nigga!

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I believe my friend has been estranged in a series of lies that have been perpetrated from a position of power. This administrator clearly has the means to harass my friend, and I can guarantee you that what happened before, that was not recorded was proactive in nature, and unfitting of a staff member. You can see in his voice inflection at the end, and in the way he followed him and pestered him, that he was trying to anger him to evict a response. You can see that he does not even try and engage him in a sit or get a real answer, but simply follows him with the intent of causing rage and finding a reason to administer a ban. My friends and I, long time patrons of this server, would love to be able to play in peace, without people using doctored footage and admin abilities to find ways to get rid of us. Our group has never caused trouble on this server and we believe that we are an integral part of the community. This is an attack on our ethics, our honesty, and our credibility, nothing more. I think the real dilemma here, is that there are admins on this server who would rather single people out and harass them, then do their job and maintain a nice playing environment. I ask that a higher power investigate this and not take the word of this seemingly dubious staff member.


Thank You,

Devonte Nigga


I followed him? I was trying to tell him something and he was walking away, when he stopped moving and I finished my sentence I let him walk away... He told Squid that Squid had no proof of the things Joey had been saying, so you're damn right I was trying to provoke a response. In addition, I did not ban joey123 from my own thoughts, it was the result of a higher up (Silent Commando) giving me the go ahead to ban. I have been a member of this server for MUCH longer than you have, so don't you dare call me "dubious". Another thing, since when have you been a long time member, you signed up for the forums today...

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Ive been interested in this for awhile, from what i understand the owner "Blacnova" recorded a video that "supposedly" proved that joey123 "minged" an admin (squid).  now if we are using the term "Minged" meaning massively disrespect than that would require joey123 to go out of his way to disrespect the admin in question (squid). now in the video we see squid accusing joey123 of minging and being rude, meanwhile he is only trying to get to his own business. instead of allowing joey123 to walk away with only a warning, squid continues to follow him, as we can clearly see blacnova is following, recording the conversation "pm-ing" squid to let him know he is recording the whole situation. Squid now knows that tensions are high and instead of letting him walk away and let everything settle down like a proper admin should, he purposefully goes out of his way to chase joey123 and (knowing joey123 is angry) continues to accuse him. this then leads to blacnova revealing himself and letting joey123 know that the conversation has been recorded. with all of this information we can conclude that these admins went out of their way to accuse someone of wrongdoing even though they knew they should have only given him a warning, these admins went out of their way to bring down and annoy this user (joey123) by chasing him, accusing him, and not letting him mind his own business. these are not acts to try to get rid of a negative player from their server, these are acts of selfish pride stuck en admins who only want to create negative players so they can go around banning users, they want nothing more to demonstrate that they have the power to ban, these are fear tactics being used to scare the users of this server.

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Ive been interested in this for awhile, from what i understand the owner "Blacnova" recorded a video that "supposedly" proved that joey123 "minged" an admin (squid).  now if we are using the term "Minged" meaning massively disrespect than that would require joey123 to go out of his way to disrespect the admin in question (squid). now in the video we see squid accusing joey123 of minging and being rude, meanwhile he is only trying to get to his own business. instead of allowing joey123 to walk away with only a warning, squid continues to follow him, as we can clearly see blacnova is following, recording the conversation "pm-ing" squid to let him know he is recording the whole situation. Squid now knows that tensions are high and instead of letting him walk away and let everything settle down like a proper admin should, he purposefully goes out of his way to chase joey123 and (knowing joey123 is angry) continues to accuse him. this then leads to blacnova revealing himself and letting joey123 know that the conversation has been recorded. with all of this information we can conclude that these admins went out of their way to accuse someone of wrongdoing even though they knew they should have only given him a warning, these admins went out of their way to bring down and annoy this user (joey123) by chasing him, accusing him, and not letting him mind his own business. these are not acts to try to get rid of a negative player from their server, these are acts of selfish pride stuck en admins who only want to create negative players so they can go around banning users, they want nothing more to demonstrate that they have the power to ban, these are fear tactics being used to scare the users of this server.


I agree aswell nigga preach my brother in black


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