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the Rule in the MOTD that states that you should NOT report for a single RDM, and try to resolve the problem with the RDMer should be removed!


it's really heartbreaking when a guy breaks the Rules and RDMs you and you can not do anything but hope there is a staff whos is nice enough to accept the Report,


and i have seen a LOT of new staff taking this rule to the next level by not taking ANY and ALL RDM sits, because of that Rule, and i know for a fact that rule exists because sometimes it is not as important as other reports and can take much longer, but when there are no sits available or when there are little to no reports, RDM reports should be taken, i have suffered from this Rule for Ages now, and it driven me crazy sometimes.


Hope you understand me and do something about it, or make a counter argument to convince me.


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The point of the rule, is so people will handle certain things in a much smarter way. A good percentage of sits regarding RDM , are often false and not RDM in the slightest. Rules were misunderstood, or they misunderstood the situation. 


When you are RDMed, the first step you should take before "@ THIS FUCKING PIECE OF SHI---" is to attempt to Pm the person whom killed you. Ask why they did what they did, try once or twice, and if no response, you may lead to a report. RDM's will happen, and some are crossfire. Sometimes you have to ask yourself is it really worth the time?


Now, in no way am i promoting RDM. If someone killed you, and you know they had negative intentions, feel free to make a report that has all the information as to how you know it was negative. Reports that say "Tod RDMED me 232313123" will be denied. Reports like "Tod randomly came up to me and shot me in the face and yelled FUCK YOU F#### and killed me for no reason, i tried to Pm him but got no response, help?" 


Now, while long, the likeihood of that sit being accepted is much higher than the previous one. 


Now with staff taking this rule too seriously and not accepting the sits like I just provided are in the wrong, and should be doing their job. If I witness this, I will get on to them about it.


However, do understand. RDM sits are not a priority, and if there is something more urgent like Mass RDM going on, or a hacker, it will be taken instead of the RDM sit



Thats just some insight on the matter.

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