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More VIP perks


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You do get the following when buying VIP:


Bigger Banks & Inventory (10 more bank slots & 30 more inventory slots)

Access to advanced dupe, axis & ballsocket tools

Access to be repped from the reputation system

18 VIP Jobs

Vote Kick & Vote Ban

1 extra level 2 quest


Other perks will be added to VIP when I think they are worthwhile. Vehicles are a hit or miss. In the past they have just crashed other users. I don't like giving VIP too much as I don't want to make the rank a necessity (such as VIP Tier Money Printers, extra money when doing xyz, ect) but cool little features here and there are worthwhile to add to it. In the next update when leaderboards are introduced, there are challenges which VIPs can only do (due to job restriction) so I guess that's also a perk

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As a VIP you have 125 potential inventory & banks slots combined (+15 if you have a high enough level gang) which is butt load. You're right about it being the opposite but more people would probably be upset if they had to keep running around to put stuff in and out of their bank

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