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New Vape Dealer Suggestion


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In game name: Vaporeonn


Suggestion: Add in a Vape Dealer Job


Why do you think this would be a good suggestion?: I think this could possibly be a good suggestion because first of all, I understand how the economy should be balanced with letting people have enough money to buy certain things, but not have incredibly large amounts of money without earning it legitely. As a player, I have started chilling out and just playing music for the past few weeks and I like using vapes and other people have fun when using them aswell, but the only way that you can get them is through !unbox. I bought 20 keys one day and 20 unboxes, and I only received 2 vapes. I understand Sugar that you want to keep the smoke level in control as it may lag the server, but maybe if there's possibly some way to work around that? I understand you want to keep the server usable for low level computers, but I think people could have a lot of fun with a Vape Dealer Job honestly, if there's a way to make it so that it doesn't reduce FPS. Another reason for this suggestion is that vapes could be made pricey, so that people don't abuse the smoke and blow them into people's faces who are trying to have fun. I would say a good price to make each vape is around 150k-250k, however it could be stretched farther than that depending on which vape. It could also be a made a VIP job which I strongly suggest if it does get added. This way you would have to initially have VIP to use the job, rather than just be able to use the job on your first day on the server. I think this would make the server more diverse and allow people to have more ways to spend their precious money.


Edit: I know this may sound like a cancerous suggestion, but maybe we could try it out for a week and see if people like it and where it goes from there

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