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Players appear invisible on other players screens


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Description: Being unable to see players


How to reproduce: Not quite sure how to reproduce since i dont know the exact cause of it But it happens every once an awhile, A player would be completely invisible on my screen but appear visible on other players screen(This was tested  by Me and Sp0oky). I was also told the other day that i was completely invisible even though on my screen it showed me  being  visible, i tested  to see if the stealth camo would make me reappear visible but it did not. This can be very dangerous if a player is raiding someones base and the other player cannot see them at all.


Priority: Medium  

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This is an old glitch that happens on occasion due to an optimization for fps. the first day or so it was implemented it would only render people you were actually looking at and it eventually got fixed, well, mostly, as you can probably tell. occasionally one or two people still won't render on someone's screen.

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This is an old glitch that happens on occasion due to an optimization for fps. the first day or so it was implemented it would only render people you were actually looking at and it eventually got fixed, well, mostly, as you can probably tell. occasionally one or two people still won't render on someone's screen.

If this could be fixed that would be great, yesterday I had teleported someone to me that was needed in a sit, and I couldn’t even see where the guy was, I had to ask the OTHER guy in the sit to point to where he was because his name would not even show up. I think if this can be fixed it should, unless it conflicts with anything on the server that may cause it to do this, in which it’s not a top priority, as it doesn’t happen to everyone’s screen for the same user, but individual users.




Thank you for reading 

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