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Lost my VIP/staff rank!


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I used to play on this server a good amount and i have 170+ hours on it now, haven't played sense the old map of the dark RP server, when i logged back onto the server for first time in couple months i'm no longer staff, which i understand but i lost my VIP, I have old screenshots of me with the jobs from being VIP i'm pretty sure and i still have items and cash. Is there any way i can get VIP back?

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You should get your VIP back. Although, I never saw you in my entire time on here. So maybe play more on the server before you apply for staff? I'm just saying that there has been lots of rule changes and getting staff back again like this isn't a good idea.

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Nice to meet you and yes you should still have your VIP if you purchased it unless something happened and Sugar may have removed you.


If you have any questions contact me or Sugar on Discord preferably Sugar he can fix your VIP issue

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