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Makoto's "Ban Appeal"


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Your Steam Name: Rastaman Vibrations

Your ingame name: Makoto

Your Steam Profile/SteamID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/RasVibrations/

Why were you banned?: Rda in a sit | Votekicking with staff on | Lmao gg tho, I'll give you props for stepping forward

Why should you be unbanned?: This isn't really an appeal. This is just my chance for me to give my side of the story since my gmod decided to crash on me and not allow me to. Basically a guy (FaZe Cool Kid) and I had beef that started over one rdm. We get in a sit and I literally arrest him during the sit. The staff who took the sit killed me for it and that was the end of it. For the next like 30 mins or so, me and this guy are at war. He shoots me on sight, I arrest and jail him on sight. I even do it in spawn when he's verbally abusing the staff member who took the original sit. I literally arrest him like 3 times in spawn in front of a mod and well.... got away with it. I literally arrested and jailed this dude like 8 times. Eventually we have another sit. During this sit, I get a warn. I had cuffed FaZe and was jailed. I was unjailed so I could uncuff him. He kills me afterward and gets warned for RDM in a sit. After we get returned, he was vote demoting me several times. I retaliate and vote demote him. I also vote kick him. The vote kick is ignored and I get a free kick. Too easy tbh xD. He returns to the server and vote demotes me again. I respond with a voteban. It gets stopped. Dindu finally tp and jails him. I think that's the end of my troubles and that I've gotten away with a gross amount of trolling. I'm proven wrong when Dindu finally brings me. I admit to everything I've done because honestly, I was laughing irl about it and how I basically got away with it. Dindu goes into investigation mode. Before the investigation can be launched, my GMOD screen goes black (or as I was later told, I was banned). I'm writing this just to tell my side of the story. I don't expect anything out of this. This is basically a story of massive rule breaking (Mass RDA, Abuse of voteban) and how I got away with it for over an hour. I never expected to be able to do so much and get away with it. FaZe, if you're reading this I was never angry with you. I basically decided to massively troll you. Nothing was done for a while so it escalated even beyond my expectations. This image describes how I felt https://i.imgur.com/6kNPCr6.png. That's basically my side of the story. I'll be back in 6 days. (or on my next day off, whichever is first)


Who banned you? Dindu Nuffinz

Evidence: Post videos, screenshots, anything that can help. Numerous screenshots help, a decently lengthed video helps too.

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