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Mug is broken / Selling Drugs


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Priority: Low for mug, med for drugs




Description: E does not show up when you are a job that can mug. The / set mug amount pops up, but you cant mug anyone.


Reproduce: Press E on someone as a job that can mug.






Description: Can't sell processed drugs like cocaine / heroine. Someone tried selling drugs to the processed drug dude, it was heroine. It did not work.


Reproduce: Attempt to sell heroine by dropping it and giving it to drug dude (might work with other drugs)

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For the first bug, I have not tried reproducing this recently but I have never had that issue before. 


Regarding the drug buyer bug, he can be "hacked" by a hacker and the money will be rerouted to them. You need a security specialist to un-hack them.

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