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MOTD Rework?

Mr. Peanut Butter

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Maybe include a rule with heists having longer raid times(PD Raid, Bank Raid, etc.). I suggest maybe 40 minutes? Normally the bases take a while to get through and you may have a PD raid going on for 16 minutes and finally kill the last cop only to have the entire PD attack you at the same time with a minute left on the PD bank. The only real downside is the owner will have to wait.

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Sure, the MOTD could use some rules added to cause less confusion and less reports. Glad to see Peanut Butter is starting to knock some sense into the people saying the MOTD is just fine the way it is. But really dont you think it will CAUSE LESS CONFUSION if a couple more rules were added? Maybe not everything Peanut butter did will be changed but maybe add some rules to fix the confusion between us staff and users.

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