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Hello, My name is Sloth


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Waddup its ya boii!


My name is Jonathan, Better know as Sloth and Im gonna tell you some random shit about myself

Im [redacted] years old (adult) and I work as a scrapyard mechanic where I work my ass off for shitmoney but they are nice people so I like it there.

I still live at home like a loser and I drive a shitty Volvo V40 2013 that looks fancy n all but is mad boring.

I have a snake called Lucifer cuz why not.

I also vape.


I have previously been staff on here but left and was gone for a good 9 months due to work but I was like heck lets return so here I am.

My ingame name is Cr1tikal Sloth and Im a moderator but people tend to call me pewdiepie and bully me because Im swedish.


And feel free to leave a comment and Ill see ya ingame :D

Hopefully yall will be able to stand my bs for a few more months ;)

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Why are you still mod on forums?


Why does your pfp have tits hanging out of her shirt?



Why have you been gone for 9 months?


Why is your name Critical Sloth?


Why am I asking all of these questions?




Because I got my mod back yesterday


Shes a extreme leftist feminazi



Ive been working, Im a big boy


Becasue im a sloth with critical autism


No clue


hecko esé

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