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(I know it's a bit late for this lol, with 200 something hours)




My name is Kasra irl (say it with me kâ-ż-raàáâäæãåā) I would guess I'm a pretty kewl guy. I am literally in love with this server and would like its babies. My name is Blacnova in game (I don't know why, it just stuck, don't ask.) I usually try to produce the dankest of memes, but sometimes mods get mad and warn me for reason "rdm", I think they might be misspelling it for "not dank enough." I live on Long Island (the tiny island next to New York) and I love to play games with my friends, like League of Legends, Gmod, or Don't stop talking. Finally I hope to have many fun time on server very nice dank Sugar, kthxbai.

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