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Eight Sad Faces

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Alrighty, so I have a question for the staff of this fine server.


If player X shoots at player Y, BUT misses, shouldn't player Y be able to shoot back?


Here is why I ask, there seem to be two different staff opinions on this:


The first is that since player X, missed, Player Y rdmed


The second being that Player Y had just reason to kill player X


To me, the second opinion makes the most sense, for RP reasons at least, if Im getting shot at IRL, I aint waiting to get hit before I shoot back.


I mean IDK I need a definitive statement from the higher up staff team about this so I can stop getting rdm verbals or warnings for this. It seems illogical to follow opinion 1 but many staff do.

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The issue is with out proof we have no way of seeing you shot or were shot at so unless you were hit we can't tell through logs who started it. Personally in those situations I prefer to leave those as verbal and just Say try to be a little more careful and make sure the person actually was trying to shoot you not just a misclick or something.

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If you have reason to believe your life is in danger, and yes, I would say having your head shot at counts as feeling scared, blast their ass. The issue here is evidence. You're getting warned because you can't prove a damned thing, and that's where this is a huge problem. Players cannot be expected to record 24/7, but they can't be expected to put up with being shot at. It's a really hard call, but right now we're basically on the honor system that you won't lie about shooting at someone. It works for most players, but...


The only real way to protect yourself against this kind of thing is to either record or put up with people's bullshit. Neither is a very favorable option, but the game mode can only go so far. In these situations, I encourage staff to try to determine what happened based on player attitude and stories told, but ultimately it's a tough call for anyone to make and we try our best to remain neutral since there's no evidence one way or the other.

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Well, usually at these situations, which have happened so many times, I'd just screenshot it just in case, screenshot them, doesn't have to be that the bullets show, it just has to show that they had the shooting animation, which I believe is enough, Good luck,

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