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Evidence That I Did not Admin Abuse


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Description: Someone reported being cuffed randomly by another person. I Then bring him to a sit to and check the logs to see who did it. Once I input the person's name that was cuffed it shows the officer who cuffed a completely different person.


How to reproduce: Go into cuffing category in /dlogs an input the name of the person that was cuffed.


Priority: Medium 


This is the link of the person who reported me for admin abuse. https://www.titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=5213&pid=33379#pid33379


The logs either decieved me into thinking it was him or he did it and it changed the player's name that was cuffed. I'm just saying that I would not falsely ban someone for no reason when its like my 4th day being a t-mod. 


Here is the link for video evidence of the bug. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Um03ud1CXrA&feature=youtu.be

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I've had sits where people say the logs are wrong... but i usually just assume that they are lying to avoid punishment. it's possible that  logs might glitch everyone once in awhile.

Shout out to my CC in tha vid

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It's never happened to me once. So I dont know why its doing it for taz


It works most of the time for me aswell i dont know why it happened yesterday and today aswell

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Dlogs is strange and is hacked together really bad. Whats holding it together is only a few threads of string. For the new update there will be a new logging system so I apologize for any weird stuff that happens. I honestly don't know why that would happen haha

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Dlogs is strange and is hacked together really bad. Whats holding it together is only a few threads of string. For the new update there will be a new logging system so I apologize for any weird stuff that happens. I honestly don't know why that would happen haha

No problem dude I know you're working hard so just take your time with the new map and updates :D

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