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Lack of staff or staff who do their jobs

Potato P.

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Tingle! Thats a name I haven'y heard in a while. But yes the problem of staff not taking sits is kind of rising. I was ex-tmod before resigning due to life changes and do notice that some staff(not saying any names) RP more than staff. Most of the time the problem aren't that noticeable due to there being good staff in the mix. However, once chaos starts and sits starts piling up staff usually show their true faces. The new influx of tmod(generalizing here, there are some actual good ones but in very little amount) do help a bit but not a lot due to the tendency of tmods to have the rank for the fame(again, not naming any names). So when the server is chaotic and there's only tmods, 99% of the time they're either gonna get overwhelmed or even not taking sits at all. So when the server's like that, if I were you I would just make it easier both on yourself and the tmods by just playing another game.


This is just my opinion on this matter.

who tf is tingle?


Tingle was a tmod that was quite promising. However he got demoted due to fanboyism with lostinplace. A shame really


oh wow. I wish it was me I watch his videos but I would not have let him misbehave while I'm around. I hope we get to see the video at least.

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I've definitely seen this. there is a lot of old mods that come on and just rp or rdm each other. i have no idea why they are still staff, but it's not up to me and idk how to to fix this problem. if you figure out a way to fix this then i will 4 sure +1 it.

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This happens on every server. We aren't strict in how staff do business which leads to a lot of staff being relaxed for the most part. You could be strict and start demoting people that don't help as often because lets be real, why apply if you're not going to help.


But then that brings up a lot of questions on what you're looking for


Is it better to have 1 staff on that goes 100% and is only on for 1 hour a day or is it better to have 5 staff on that work at like.. 33% that play for 3 - 5 hours a day?

Should you demote the staff that don't live up to expectations?

Should you have to spend hours doing sits to prevent getting demoted?

Should you demote the staff that don't play a lot but do sits when they are on?

Should you demote the staff that play a lot but don't do as many sits when they are on?

Should you demote the staff that cause a lot of minor issues but seem to get them fixed within a few hours?

Should you demote the staff that break a minor rule?

Should you demote the staff for a false ban / warn when they may improve in the future?

Should you strive for quality (less staff members, less staff on the server, more sits taken) or quantity (more staff on the server, less sits taken, less professional)?


I am always down to demote people who truly don't want to help and or abuse. It's harder to demote / work with people that are..just lazy I guess.


Being a staff member is a volunteer job but that shouldn't mean that since it's a volunteering job you should help because "I am volunteering".


You want staff to be on as much as possible to be as helpful as possible and to not get burnt out of the game so fast (players just rotate in and out, 70% that all of the people in this thread won't be here in 60 days)


What I can do is log sits per playtime period which is a helpful indicator. We have had staff before that played for 10 hours a day and had 15 sits overall which is gnarly. If you're going to play then at least try somewhat.


Then if you look at the other side, you have that players are the issue because if there were no issues from the players, there would be no sits. What can you do to prevent people to stop calling for admins for remedial issues ("How do I do this", "Where is this", "Help me build", "I just got punched", "RDA"). All of these issues can be solved without contacting an admin. Only a very few select amount of issues should require an admin. I would say 70% of all RDMs are due to miscommunication, 99% of all RDA's are due to miscommunication, if you're stuck type !unstuck of kill yourself to get out of where ever you are. You should only ever call an admin is someone is seriously being an asshole, someone is exploiting, mass rdm or something major like that.


Then you move into the issue of staff taking those smaller sits when there is already a lot of chaos that's a whole other paragraph worth. In short, if you take those sits then you entice those people to make more of those sits. "The admin helped me build a keypad, I wonder if he will help me with fading doors"


I have some ideas though


TL;DR It's easy to say staff don't do anything but it's a much more complex issue. This happens on ALL servers

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Those are some great points sugar. Also, I would like to add that the player's perspective is always gonna be very different from the staff's perspective. It is really a quite complex system, moreso than I imagined before I was staff. It really does take a lot of thought and effort to be a good staff member. There is so much information in our face constantly. So maybe logging sits per session will help the staff who may not be trying as hard to try harder if they don't want demotion.

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