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Im back now for a little tale I call my Worst nightmare


It was about me getting in trouble with my friends at a wrecked house and they started to leave so I started walking with them then I got KO'ED and I woke up in a room with a mysterious guy that told me I was bad and I should be punished. Then I wake up in a room with crying abnormal people my age. When I was in the room before I was sitting on a chair that had 2 sticks sticking up on l the side that made holes in my ass. There was a normal girl named a a that told be to sit on a chair that will cure my hole problem. So I used the chair and felt relief cuZ it worked:-). So I trust this girl and I noticed she had laptop so she said wanna play a game? I say yes stupidly and I wake up in a room and a as face was 5x bigger her eyes were black and a huge grin.:-). I wake up and shove my thumbs into her eyes and rip her head apart and her blood was purple. And she was dead.... then people start cheering ! Then a baby came threw a door in the background.When I saw what was behind the door I knew he was bad. I saw people in a satanic circle."oh shit". He walk ups to me and says hecko I'm trust baby nice to meet you! On his belly was the words trust baby. I kicked his face and he fell over "NO ONE KICKS TRUST BABY" . He starts running after me nm all the kids ran to the baby and did what I'm did to ava. Then the satanic people in the room came out andllnd qnd there eyes were red then there eyes turned normal like mine and he said "You freed us"! The other one said "oh *cries a little * you must of put down my baby girl ava" "yes she was a demon and tried to kill me" I said. "I understand but it's good now we killed trust baby. I noticed what the fuck and I doing here I run for the door and run to my house and called the cops and told them that their was a demon in the house and the whole swat team came and opened the door to find some and abandoned house with and an rocking chair in it with and an doll with big eyes and a big head and a baby doll that says trust baby on its chest they see see a garbage bin in the satanic room and they rush in there to see what's innit then one of them looks down in the garbage can to saeeee 2 dead body's that looks like the dolls on the rocking chair . They go back to the rocking chair and takes and knife and cuts the dolls head then he turns around and he's face has a big gain giant black eyes andhis forehead says trust baby. All the swats shoot him then they all drop c4s and they explode the house and all the walls are gone and the roof all that's left is a. Rocking chair with no dolls sitting sitting on it. The chair was completely the same then I woke up I won my hotel room holding my phone typing this story to madara while weeping on the bed 0v0


You prob noticed the spelling errors thats because I typed this on my phone

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Im back now for a little tale I call my Worst nightmare


  It was about me getting in trouble with my friends at a wrecked house and they started to leave so I started walking with them then I got KO'ED and I woke up in a room with a mysterious guy that told me I was bad and I should be punished. Then I wake up in a room with crying abnormal people my age. When I was in the room before I was sitting on a chair that had 2 sticks sticking up on l the side that made holes in my ass. There was a normal girl named a a that told be to sit on a chair that will cure my hole problem. So I used the chair and felt relief cuZ it worked:-). So I trust this girl and I noticed she had laptop so she said wanna play a game? I say yes stupidly and I wake up in a room and a as face was 5x bigger her eyes were black and a huge grin.:-). I wake up and shove my thumbs into her eyes and rip her head apart and her blood was purple. And she was dead.... then people start cheering ! Then a baby came threw a door in the background.When I saw what was behind the door I knew he was bad. I saw people in a satanic circle."oh shit". He walk ups to me and says hecko I'm trust baby nice to meet you! On his belly was the words trust baby. I kicked his face and he fell over "NO ONE KICKS TRUST BABY" . He starts running after me nm  all the kids ran to the baby and did what I'm did to ava. Then the satanic people in the room came out andllnd qnd there eyes were red then there eyes turned normal like mine and he said "You freed us"! The other one said "oh *cries a little * you must of put down my baby girl ava" "yes she was a demon and tried to kill me" I said. "I understand but it's good now we killed trust baby. I noticed what the fuck and I doing here I run for the door and run to my house and called the cops and told them that their was a demon in the house and the whole swat team came and opened the door to find some and abandoned house with and an rocking chair in it with and an doll with big eyes and a big head and a baby doll that says trust baby on its chest they see see a garbage bin in the satanic room and they rush in there to see  what's innit then one of them looks down in the garbage can to saeeee 2 dead body's that looks like the dolls on the rocking chair . They go back to the rocking chair and takes and knife and cuts the dolls head then he turns around and he's face has a big gain giant black eyes andhis forehead says trust baby. All the swats shoot him then they all drop c4s and they explode the house and all the walls are gone and the roof all that's left is a. Rocking chair with no dolls sitting sitting on it. The chair was completely the same then I woke up I won my hotel room holding my phone typing this story to madara while weeping on the bed 0v0


You prob noticed the spelling errors thats because I typed this on my phone



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