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Juggernaut, it op ? {POLL}


Is the juggy op ?   

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Is the juggy op ?

    • No its not stop whining already you faggot
    • Yes it is nerfed that moving auto turret already !

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From all of the pd raids I've done/getting raided by the pd i can safely say that yes in my personal opinion the juggernaut is a little 2 overpowered.


His fire rate is literally f*cking insane.


The 300 armor is fine in my opinion because its a juggernaut its suppose to be tanky but i feel like the fire rate is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 2 fast.You have literally no fighting chance against em.Even if you are 2-3 he can mow you down so easily its not even fun.


Solution: Drop his fire rate by half and give him more armor.


If you personally think that its not op then comment and explain why.


I'd love to hear your suggestions ! 


I get what you are implying, we should increase amour for all cp and lower the amour for jug, so the jug isnt required to be on the cp for the cp to be an efficient squad,and i like your idea of giving him a semi shotgun.

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