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Bringing back some old jobs


Add a few more jobs?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Add a few more jobs?

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I miss the old days of Lizard Kings vs King, that stuff was a very sweet rp experience in evilmelon. We don't get or experience any of that stuff and some of the more memorable jobs have been removed. Maybe it's time to add them back and repurpose them? Like it's probably pointless, but if it isnt much work for Sugar Tits and doesn't degrade server performance much (if at all), might as well spring for it.


Some ideas I had, make these all NON-VIP because we actually do have non-VIP players:


Class Name: The Whaler/The Lizard/The Lizard King

Model:Lizardmen (Lizard King, the OG one)

Weapon: Harpoon, Daedric Weapon

Can Heist/Raid.

Cannot Mug.


Class Name: Lizard (King?) Follower

Model:Lizardmen (Lizard King, the OG one)

Weapon: Sword

Can Heist/Raid (with King)

Cannot Mug.


Class Name: OvenMan


Weapon: m9k fists, knife, any m9k pistol

Can Heist/Raid (with Mattress).

Can Mug.


Class Name: The Mattress


Weapon: crowbar, stungun, pickpocket (nobody suspects a mattress!)

Can Heist/Raid (with Ovenman).

Can Mug.

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Some guest voted no on the poll and I would like to know WHY


Also it's a 50 / 50 thing. Do I really want to bring back ovenman and mattress man? Mattressman's model had lua errors with bones so thats a no no. But people kinda did play him...if they want them back, I have a replacement for Mattressman.


These jobs are just quirky. No one really played them too much and it doesn't offer a big RP factor. Unless I made it so both kings are enemies by default so it creates another faction, that could be cool. 



I am also focused on keeping the server size small (around like 2.8 gigs of addons) so it doesn't detour new players away that don't want to sit there downloading everything (hence me raising the price of a model from $5 -> $10). So im  kinda hesitant to add anything in right now. But I do want more non-vip jobs. Here is a list of all the older jobs we had that got removed. Feel free to request any of them back.







There are some more but im too lazy to get the full list.

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Pissed Baby (had this awesome synergy of just chasing down Pedos)

Bender (can be an alternative/default model for mugger?)

The Hunter (gotta kill the pets, almost like poachers, but make them able to kill anything that looks like an animal than just a Pokemon)

Fight Club Owner (Can be used really well if a person throws in a competition with Bloods members and Crips member in a ring)

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I honestly think rebels should be added back. At the moment, at least when I'm on I hardly see any rp to do with the police, as in if there are corrupts cops or just generally bad cops people just feel the need to call an admin. I just remember rebel being one of those heavily rp classes. You know, the mayor has stupid laws like no sprinting (hi muffin) then you'd just gather up some friends and start a rebellion. That's really what I miss about the server, I just don't see enough of it. I also say give Hazmat another shot. That class pretty much surged in popularity after people started to rp and set up like healthcare checkpoints and shit. Again, it would add more rp. So what I'm vowing for is to add more of these rp classes back because the server, in my opinion, is lacking that. Also I agree with he lizard king. The idea of having your own sort of faction and a rival faction to raid or fight is something I'd like to see in the server again. Also fuck ovenman having an m9k pistol, he's a fucking oven.

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Well don't get me wrong these jobs were not removed because I hated them / I did not want them / they took up so much space in the server I had to get rid of them..the reason why I got rid of them was because NO ONE PLAYED THEM. Once in a blue moon, someone would be hazmat, pissed baby, rebel, ect.. Most people would abuse the baseball bat and just attack anything that walked. The rebels were rarely used and people don't really rebel anymore. My theory is that the PD sucks dick and there is no point into raiding it, rebelling it or doing anything with it.I wish the second server got popular that map is so fucking cool, working elevators, towns, houses, banks..none of this 2 room PD shit and the bank in a weird fucking spot but I digress. I guess it was a dream that is unreachable at the moment..unless I change the map of server #1 which I don't want to do right now.


If people really want them back, sure I will add them no problem just make sure that when I add them the people who voted "Yes" play as them.. Just like the second server "This map sucks, change the map" oh I am opening a second server on this map "SIIIIIIIIIICK I WILL ONLY PLAY ON THAT ONE" (still plays on downtown).


But then we also had problems with inventories, the car dealer hiccup, transfering and losing data here and there..but again I digress.


Want them because you WANT to play as them? Vote yes. Don't think anyone will play as them and you personally won't play them? Vote no. I don't want to add in things to the server that take up space just to be forgotten a week later. (Happens with like 75% of all the new jobs).



Also responding to Cyclones post: No explosives. This map is too small. Explosives do NOT fit in. A bigger map, maybe some basic RPGs.

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