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Guns are Broken AF

Mr. Peanut Butter

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 • Most of the guns' constraints to playermodels are seriously damaged and look really lame in gunfights.


Example: https://youtu.be/W2aSb277YyA


• Some of the guns are left handed and impossible to aim in first person.


Example: https://youtu.be/n1n7fizQicQ


You can't tell who is sniping at all unless they are crouched (when the gun points up with the hand) because of all of the sniper rifles being in the person's hand, but the playermodel having no reaction to it and continuing to be in a basic stance.


Example: https://youtu.be/q8ep3FBC8qI


How to reproduce: Get into a gunfight in 3rd person with basically any weapon besides a pistol.


Priority: High, this is disappointing to look at.

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I'm 99% sure Sugar has explained this before, and has previously stated that it won't be fixed because it has to do with the models(pm's and gun models) not having the correct constraints or something along those lines.


and like quarrel said, this isn't high priority at all lol

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High? really HIGH?




It looks fucking stupid no one wants to look at this

Yeah, agreed. I mean temporary fix, don't use third person.


I still see everyone else in 3rd person.... -.-

I'm 99% sure Sugar has explained this before, and has previously stated that it won't be fixed because it has to do with the models(pm's and gun models) not having the correct constraints or something along those lines.


and like quarrel said, this isn't high priority at all lol


That seems doubtful considering this just started happening recently. I've been playing for the last few months and it's been only just a couple weeks since I first noticed this. the guns used to look normal when I first joined a few months ago.


There's NO reason it can't be fixed. This server gets hecka donations and Sugar says he pays programmers to work on the server sometimes, so he needs to have this fixed. As someone who has been in development, I find it impossible to believe something so simple is "unfixable".


It is "High" Priority because a lot of people donate to enjoy this server and don't deserve to pay for a broken game. I will not be donating until it is fixed. (and I did want to, but this irritates me too much)

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I don't pay programmers. I am the only programmer. I am the only person in the whole server that has power to edit and modify server files. I am the only person who has power to add in content. You have free range to not pay IRL cash on this server. Everything you can possibly want, you can get for free.


The issue you're having is weird but not unfixable. When weapon models are made there is a world model and a viewmodel. Most weapon creators are lazy and don't make proper world models though which is a bummer. When you don't have a world model they force a world model by creating basically a prop onto your character and forcing it to render at your hands every frame. That is why you may see some people with "CC" weapons in their crotch area because it doesn't have one. Although, all weapons that are not CC weapons should have either a CSS viewmodel or a viewmodel that works. In your video it looks like you downloaded the SWEP off the workshop which may cause conflicts since everything you see is client side and is not managed by the server.


I tried using the gun that you were having issues with and I wasn't able to reproduce your issue on the live server


Keep in mind that I am still a college student. Finals are coming and I am still working on this Gang update hours upon hours a day trying to provide you the best experience. It's not like I neglect you guys. I pay very close attention to the Discord and my PMs which I spend probably 2 hours each day responding to things that don't need to be PMs. If I don't see someone screaming "There is an issue" then I look at my console logs of errors. This is the first I heard of this. I am the only person on this server that can do everything.


I would delete your cache and download a fresh copy of the server's content.

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from the workshop or from the server itself? I will try that but I also don't want textures to be missing because red errors everywhere is even worse. I thought it was everyone seeing this because I asked several other people if they saw what I was seeing and they described what I saw as well. I don't mean to sound stingy I just don't have a lot of money to spend in the first place. I like to make sure my decisions will be worth while.

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Visual errors that don't break gameplay are most likely a low priority.

It would be wise to delete and unsub all your adding every once and awhile. To prevent your game from becoming sluggish and buggy.

Sugar is one man, not a god. Learn to code what you want and give it to him to use if you want it that bad and in a timely manner.

If you are going to condem someone for their wrongs you better commend their rights too unless you want them to not listen to you anymore. It is a two way street.

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